Jan. 30, 2022

Uploaded Video, Exercised, Ate a lot

11:42 PM

Yeah I am sleepy right now. My mood really fluctuates throughout the day. In the morning I woke up, did my pictures, did 110 push ups, took a cold shower, won my 3 Disney Melee Mania games, and then I worked on editing and uploading the video I recorded yesterday.

I researched Final Cut Pro last night and also took a look at an alternative called DaVinci Resolve. The main difference between the two is that DaVinci resolve was for the most part free, but they do have a $299 paid version but I don't see any reason to buy that. Final Cut Pro was $299 also on the other hand. i use a lot of Apple software, and it's a hit or miss usually. Like iMovie is a miss for me. I think it used to be good, but they simplified it so much that I think it sucks now. I've used it, and you can only have 1 track, to be fair I think it was the same with Windows Movie Maker, but I needed the extra features of having more than 1 track, more than 1 audio track. So that was a miss for me.

I heard Final Cut Pro was basically just a pro version of iMovie. If that's the case, then I would hate Final Cut Pro. Although so many YouTubers rave about it, some of them also say DaVinci Resolve is good. So because DaVinci Resolve was free, I downloaded it and used it. It was really easy to use, I put my clips into the tracks and made a video really easily. The rendering took about 20 minutes, and I thought the uploading part was also going to be quick. Well I was wrong, I have very very slow upload speed apparently and it took me about 5 hours to upload 1.2gb of video. Yes, it took me 5 hours to upload that video.

I still remember 10 minutes passing by and seeing it was only 3% uploaded. I thought it was not going to be for real, like no way this was going to be the speed forever. But yeah, 20 minutes passed and it was only 6% done. So it took like 5 hours to upload this whole thing.

During that time I went outside and got a large meal at Bori Vegan. I can't believe i ate it all. Then I took a nap because I ate so much. When I woke up, the video was still uploading. So I did some other things, I think I played Beat Saber or watched videos or something. When the video was done uploading, it took another hour to process. This whole process wasn't done until like 4 or 5 PM. That's when I sent it to some friends, and then I walked outside for an hour.

When I got home, I replied to a woman I'm talking to. I think we will meet up in real life in February probably, so let's call her Wahl. I don't know, it's a random name. It doesn't even sound feminine, but whatever. I'm really insecure about this whole thing by the way, talking to women. I am always so nervous and I feel like I'm walking on eggshells because I feel like the tiniest thing they don't like instantly turns them off or something. We've been talking for like two weeks and we are supposed to go on some dates to Disney World and Universal Studios, which I planned for next month. Will it happen? I really don't know. She's super fit and attractive, has visible abs and very toned body, so I know she has options, but whatever. I sent her that video of me today, and some replies to her messages and she replied back shortly after. Eh, yeah, I really wish we would meet up but who knows, she might cancel like last minute. Seriously.

Then I played some Beat Saber for like 2 hours. I was really hungry again after that, so because I was going to start fasting again starting tomorrow, I decided to get an Acai Bowl and Pitaya Bowl. I brought in the same plastic bowls I used before and washed, and asked them to use it. They only re-used one, and like left the other one on the counter, uh okay. I hope they throw that out because some other customer might get it and it's a used one that I washed. So I came back home with the bowls, ate them, and had the best time. I played Beat Saber again for another hour until the battery died.

Then I replied to Wahl again, and I wrote really long messages. Was that a good thing to do? I don't know. I really feel so insecure about it all. I then super liked a woman on Veggly and she looked at the message and didn't like back. When you send a super like it tells you when they've read it, and she read it right away basically but didn't like back. Man. It's so depressing when I super like someone and don't get a like back. I really want to cry sometimes.

It's weird because I felt good throughout most of the day today. After I did the 110 push ups, I felt fantastic. When I played Beat Saber, I felt fantastic. When I walked outside, I felt fantastic. When I ate that Acai and Pitaya bowl, I felt fantastic. Then when I go on these dating apps and try to talk to women and get rejected, I feel so depressed. It's so depressing. Of course there are some women that do like back, and that makes me feel better. But when they don't that feels really sad.

Ugh. My mood changes all the time. Overall I feel pretty good. But thinking about this dating stuff can be really depressing.

Oh yeah here is the video I uploaded: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oap43pkFr0E

I feel way too down after receiving that rejection to be able to do much now though. I wanted to send the video to other people, maybe I will. But I feel pretty down like I can't do anything anymore because it all results in failure, even though that doesn't make any sense because that’s not true, a lot of things I do end up in success. Whatever, I'm just gonna end it here. That was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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