Jan. 31, 2022

Perfect Combo on 3 Songs on Beat Saber, Natural Hygiene

10:38 PM

Today was a so-so day. One remarkable thing that happened today is I randomly played the song Dynamite by BTS on Expert+ and I got a full combo on it in the morning. This means I played the entire song without missing a single note. I think it's incredible difficult to do that, especially on a song that's sort of hard like Dynamite by BTS.

12:05 AM (of Tuesday, February 1st 2022)

I think it is pretty much a miracle, not literally a miracle, but it's extremely extraordinary to get a full combo on any song. I think if I even played a song on Expert difficulty, not even Expert+, I would still have a hard time getting a full combo on a song. Yet somehow today, the stars aligned, and I got this perfect score on this hard song. Like it is so easy to miss a single note. It doesn't matter how good you are, you will 99% of the time, miss a note at some point, of course it's unintentional, but it happens. I've seen even the best and most experienced players miss notes all the time, players that can beat the hardest songs in the game, missing notes on far easier songs.

I played more Beat Saber throughout the day and was able to get a full combo on two other songs. I did these songs intentionally though, because I knew they were some of the easier Expert+ songs. Emoji VIP is the easiest Expert+ song in my opinion, and then it's $100 Bills, and the next easiest is probably Be There For You. But yeah I played Emoji VIP and $100 Bills and I got full combo on both of my first attempts at both. I also tried to get a perfect score on Crab Rave or Crab Dance or whatever, but I failed and missed a single note. Yeah I literally missed a single note. Like I said, it doesn't matter how good you are, it is extremely likely you will miss a note even on easy songs.

I fasted most of the day today. Until I did "that" like four times throughout the day. I started in the morning, and I kept doing it throughout the day and just felt gradually worse and tired, but I couldn't help myself, I was just so on for some reason. Then I felt really exhausted and tired after my last one. So I was just lying in bed feeling miserable, and then I kind of reasoned I should eat something, so I went to Wal-Mart and got some fruits. I wanted to buy some of that Vegan Robb's chips too, but they were sold out. So I looked around, I really did, I tried to look for some alternative, something salty. I couldn't find anything I wanted to buy. In the end, I just bought two bananas, a pear, a nectarine, an avocado (avocados here are super big), and two small cases of blackberries. The total for all this was just around $10, including tax. So that was super cheap.

I also stopped by La Frutera and got myself a Frappe Verde. It's only like $4.50 for a green smoothie there, and it's so nice. I love it. Much cheaper than the Acai place, but the Acai bowls are a world of their own. Anyway I got home, and I ate these fruits and drank this frappe verde, and I felt rejuvenated. I played Beat Saber for another hour and then came back to this journal.

I ordered some Natural Hygienist books on Amazon today. I have been watching a lot of Freemelon Society's videos and they were so interesting to me, the concepts described in the videos made so much sense. Natural hygienists believe that the body can cure itself of any ailment using the tools of "natural living" such as mainly eating raw fruits and sometimes raw vegetables, avoiding man made processed foods and animal products, using fasting, drinking pure distilled water, daily exercising, going out into nature, and meditation. Natural hygienists are naturopaths that dislike and go against modern medicine, vaccinations, pills, surgery, and so on.

They claim to be able to cure anything through natural living, and reading reviews on some of these books on Amazon, people have cured serious ailments that have plagued them for decades and they have spent tens of thousands on with modern doctors, and something as simple as a 10 day "grape fast" cured their illness in one example. All that person did for 10 days straight was eat nothing but grapes. And that cured a major head scalp problem he had, where he went to doctors, used their medicines, soaps, shampoos, creams, etc, and no result. There's also people posting about curing their cancers and various other ailments.

So natural hygenists have been around for hundreds of years. A lot of these authors lived to their 90s so that really peaked my interest because these guys ate nothing but fruits basically. Some did die earlier through an accident or they did an experimental thing and it killed them. There was a person who has been a fruitarian for over 40 years who recently died at 75 because he did very long periods of dry fasting, where he ate and drank nothing for weeks at a time. Natural hygenists also claim that the less you eat the better, which is true because the longest living people do eat very little, so in extremes some attempt eating nothing and drinking nothing for very long periods. I think we learned now that's wrong, we should eat very little but not eat nothing and drink nothing for a month.

There was also another guy that died by inhaling "diatomaceous earth", yeah I had to look up how to spell that. It's touted as a way to "cleanse" or "detox" when you add it to smoothies, but apparently it's really bad on your lungs to inhale. People that work creating it, a lot of them die of lung cancer or other respiratory illnesses because it's some very course and sharp powder that can tear up the lungs. So yeah I don't even want to get close to that.

So it's interesting looking at the history of natural hygienists because they've been around for hundreds of years and made history. A lot of what they preached hundreds of years ago such as fasting, distilled water, vegan diets, daily exercise, daily sunshine, clean air, and so on, are only now being looked at and seen as good. They were also against vaccinations and medicine back then, complaining that vaccinations and medications did more harm than good. Apparently "Medical accidents" are the third leading cause of death in the U.S., so I think they were right too in that they recommend avoiding doctors in modern medicine.

It makes sense too, because doctors don't cure anything, they just give medicine to treat symptoms and don't recommend any lifestyle changes. We already know that heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and so on, are fully reversible on a healthy plant based diet with exercise, hundreds of thousands of people have already cured these major killers that modern medicine can't cure, and the natural hygienists found all this out hundreds of years ago. When they say they are against salt, spices, other seasonings, I am inclined to believe them because they were so ahead of their time. They were already writing about how bad meat was, how bad vaccinations were, how bad dairy was, how bad mineral water was, and so on, and this was hundreds of years ago.

That's why I ate only fruits today. They argued that the natural human diet was one of fruits and basically only fruits, but they also say herbs, raw vegetables, nuts, seeds, were good but not too much. They argue that the only foods humans can eat without any preparation are fruits, just like every other animal in the world eats their foods without any alteration, humans can eat fruits most easily and without any alteration, so it's their natural diet. That makes perfect sense doesn't it? They say "living foods" are good, like if you sprout beans that is a "living food" because it's literally alive, and we find today it has a lot more nutrients than cooked beans. Other living foods are fruits because you can take the seed from them and plant them, and it becomes alive.

So FreeMelon Society has so many videos on so many health topics. It goes over why caffeine and coffee are bad, why salt is bad, why honey is bad, and so on. He quotes the original natural hygienists who discovered these topics hundreds of years ago. Wow, did you know they wrote about how bad tobacco and smoking was as well? Like decades before anyone or even doctors would find out it was bad for them, the natural hygienists already declared it was unhealthy. There's lots of topics they wrote about, including things like meditation and "accessing a higher plane" to become your ultimate self which sounds like weird metaphysical stuff, like it sounds crazy, but it's so interesting to learn about, so I ordered some of their books.

I guess that's what I did for the most part today. Just study some of these masters and play Beat Saber. I also got a new match on Veggly which is awesome! Yay! She seems very cool, I hope we can date too.

Also, I read the "rebuttals" of natural hygienists and I found their arguments lacking. Like these people think the natural hygienists were "quacks" even though they lived to their 90s and were healthier than their average peers for the most part. Here is a quick summary of what natural hygienists believe in:

"Health is the result of natural living. When people live in harmony with their physiological needs, health is the inevitable result. By supplying the organism with its basic requirements (natural, unadulterated food; sunshine; clean, fresh air; pure water; appropriate physical, mental and emotional activities; and a productive lifestyle) while simultaneously eliminating all harmful factors and influences, the self-constructing, self-regulating, self-repairing qualities of the body are given full rein."

Yeah all this makes sense to me. So I visited the "quackwatch.org" website who had arguments against the natural hygienists back in 2007. Basically they didn't say anything bad about them, they couldn't disprove their claims, and what they posted was just far behind the times. This is their reasoning why the natural hygienists were wrong:

"Natural Hygiene is dangerous because it encourages prolonged fasting and discourages proven medical interventions. While its recommended diet has two admirable characteristics (low fat content and high fiber content), its recommended avoidance of dairy products is an invitation to osteoporosis. No scientific study has ever compared the disease and death rates of Hygienists with those of other people. But it appears to me that the hazards far outweigh the possible benefits."

I think we are starting to learn today that fasting isn't a bad thing. Okay if you fast and eat nothing and drink nothing for a month, you might die, like that 75 year old guy who died because his organs started failing because he would do these extremely long dry fasts. But I think it's good to do, in 14 day periods with distilled water, which is what I've tried. I did it, survived, everything improved, but I did it with AJN who has done a 40 day water fast before so I don't recommend anyone just doing it without proper supervision. Also we are only learning today how harmful dairy is, I mean it's not even milk for humans, it's milk for baby cows, has billions of pus cells, and people that drink it are actually much more prone to osteoporosis. Also, the natural hygienists discourage modern medical interventions because of how often they are unreliable and how they fail and never cure any disease, only symptoms and give you a prescription for a lifetime, it does make sense.

I am vaccinated, but the natural hygienists wrote entire books on the topic of vaccination. It's so interesting to learn the history behind it too, because yeah, for most of history it was a failure. They do also believe in what I think are dangerous beliefs. So I mentioned they believed eating and drinking nothing was good, I think that's actually not so good. It can be for a while, but forever, no. I think we learned today, it's not good. They are also completely against modern medicine, but I think modern medicine is indeed helpful in emergency situations like doing surgery for a big accident or something like that, way better today than hundreds of years ago.

I think their philosophy makes a lot of sense. They came up with these ideas only by thinking about them. The reason they say that we can live without eating and drinking, is because they did a lot of long periods of fasting and felt improved each time, they reasoned the only thing the human body needed was to breathe, and to go out into nature and experience the sun. Again they thought about how breathing rejuvenates the entire body, if we stopped breathing we would die, but we could stop eating and drinking for long periods of time and still be alive, it was only recently that some people have fasted for more than 1 year and it's been scientifically documented, without even knowing that was possible they reasoned back then that we didn't need any food or water at the highest levels of consciousness, but I think either that's wrong or no one has ever attained that.

Anyway that was my day today. I wrote a lot. The new woman I matched with is into self-improvement stuff and daily habits and meditation, I want to tell her about natural hygiene and get her thoughts, I hope we get along well. Geez, yeah, I talk to a lot of women, because I kinda have to. Like if I really just went after one, because we are all long distance, there's no guarantee we would even meet. So that's why I have to talk to a few, and we get to know each other. But I like every one I talk to, it just depends if they like me enough to be with me too.

Written by JustMegawatt

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