Feb. 1, 2022

Played Beat Saber and Worked, Talked to Matches

9:20 PM

If I could sum up today, I basically just played Beat Saber and worked and talked to matches. The time went by so fast I don't even remember what happened. I had my Spanish lesson in the morning, but before that, I took my daily pictures, won my 3 Disney Melee Mania games, and browsed Habitica for a bit. After the Spanish lesson, I renewed the Habitica challenges.

Then I think I just played Beat Saber for a while. I replied to my new match on Veggly today and we started talking on Instagram. She's very cool and easy to talk to. I gave her a bunch of book recommendations and she was very excited to learn about them. I need to re-read some of these books for real. I like her personality, her appearance, and the things she's into. Does she like me too though? She's very supportive and caring, works at a non-profit helping people, and she wants her business to help people, so I feel like I can talk to her pretty honestly and she wouldn't hurt me. But I'm not sure if she likes me or is just being nice, because that's who she is.

I also matched with two new people today, everyone is long distance from me so I can't just date and meet up with anyone in real life so easily. I wish it were easy but it isn't so easy for me. One of them speaks Spanish so we've been conversing in Spanish, and she is very attractive. I mean I think every woman I'm speaking to is attractive, they're all fit, healthy weights, young or around my age, very attractive women. Like I said already, I would honestly be happy to date any of them and get into a relationship with any of them. But yeah she let me follow her on Instagram on her private account and I couldn't help but compliment her on her appearance. I asked about how her country was and she said her country was beautiful and I should get to know it, in Spanish, maybe the connotation means something different, but I thought maybe that meant I should visit? I don't know.

The other person I matched with hasn't replied back. She's someone I sent a super like a week ago and she didn't like me back until just today. I really wanted to talk to her because her description was great, I wrote about how we were similar in these areas and that I really wanted to talk to her, and she just ignored my super like until now. She also updated her description and said she was just looking for a platonic friend now, so I guess she liked me back after making that update.

RadicallyWild posted a picture of the baby coconut tree he named after me. I donated that coconut tree to him as well as a bunch of seeds, and he thanked me by naming the tree Megg and sending me a picture, and also posting photos of it on his Instagram.

I was supposed to be fasting today, but I went out and got a meal at Mama Pacha's. Shame right? And I also got an Acai bowl and Pitaya bowl today. Shame right? I felt shame.

I got invited to an entrepreneurship party on Saturday, all the food served is vegan, and it's taking place in the richest city here in a rich neighborhood. AJN told me I would have to be fasting from Monday until Saturday, and doing 100 push ups a day and 100 sit ups a day and walking for 2 hours outside every day before I would be ready to enter the event and make first impressions and network with these "higher consciousness individuals." She said there would be another event like this in the future, but if I wasn't ready for it, if my appearance was still overweight, I should not go. I already botched this because I haven't been fasting and I haven't been doing the 100 push ups and 100 sit ups while fasted this week, so I think I should not go.

I also worked today. My password for one of the VPN servers didn't work, so I asked IT to reset my password. I didn't get a reply to call them until around like 5:40 PM my time, which was around 4:40 PM EST, I was just eating the acai and pitaya bowl at this point I think. I called them up at like 6:20 PM my time though, 5:20 PM their time, and the guy was like "oh work ended for me at 5 PM, you can call again tomorrow" so I'll call them again tomorrow.

Oh yeah I learned of another theory by the natural hygienists, and it's about a concept called food combining. They reason that different foods have different digestion enzymes located in either the mouth or stomach, and that combining foods not suitable with each other, inhibits some enzymes while exhibiting others, meaning some food is digested while the remainder food is fermented (digested by the gut microbiome). They argue that the human's natural diet is fruits, and when we eat fruits, we should only be eating one type of fruit at a time. They argue that no other animal combines different types of food at the same time, when they eat, it's just one thing at a time, and the human's natural diet is fruit so they should only eat one fruit at a time.

I think their theory makes sense. I haven't tried it yet but I probably will. They also say to go to sleep early, like at 8 PM. So I am going to sleep now. Even though it's 10 PM, I want to go to sleep.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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