Feb. 2, 2022

Excellent Morning, Worked a little, Dropped out of courses

8:47 AM

I woke up today at around 6:20 AM, after falling asleep at approximately 10:20 AM. I got 8 hours of sleep! This is pretty much a rarity. I actually finished last night's entry, turned off everything, and put away my cell phone and watch at exactly 10:00 PM last night. I did "that" before going to sleep though, so that's why I approximate 10:20 PM is the time I actually did go to sleep. I also fall asleep instantly. I cannot relate to anyone that has trouble sleeping, because I fall asleep after like, just one minute of lying down.

There was one time I invited AJN to listen to some affirmations with me, well it was her idea to listen to affirmations, I put the affirmations on the TV and then lied down on the futon. She said there was a 2 minute video she was watching and would join me in a bit. After those 2 minutes, she says she came out and found me sleeping and snoring, and she recorded a video that she showed me, calling my name and trying to wake me up, and I was just there already asleep and snoring after two minutes. So yeah I am not exaggerating when I say I can fall asleep instantly, because it's true. It doesn't even matter what time.

So far this morning, since I woke up, I have taken my daily photos, walked outside for an hour, won my 3 Disney Melee Mania games, did 100 push ups, did 100 "rolling sit ups", took out the trash, brushed my teeth and flossed, drank 2 glasses of water, started to distill more water, recorded my weight (186.2 pounds), and started this journal entry and wrote these three paragraphs, all within 2 hours and 30 minutes of waking up. Also I don't drink any coffee either and haven't eaten any animal products for over 9 years. It is pretty amazing how good and energetic I feel right now after getting 8 hours of sleep, because I normally get 4 or 6 hours of sleep, seriously. I think sleeping "early" like last night did the trick that made me sleep for more hours.

I have Spanish lessons in 5 minutes, so I am just waiting for that. I have one message from a match last night that I haven't even opened yet. The natural hygienists believed in living a life of productivity, so that's why I did these things this morning. I admit that I am actually hungry though, but I should fast, right? Bori Vegan sent me a text this morning of their meals for the day, so I am very tempted to go there. Mama Pacha's has a very good plate of the day too. Oh yeah, I guess it's very common here for restaurants to have a Plato Del Dia or plate for the day. Both are about the same distance away from me. I don't know what I will do.

Well, I think Mama Pacha's plate of the day is healthier. I think I'll go with Mama Pacha's today. Ugh. I should really be fasting. Also I really want to reply to my match but I have my Spanish lesson now. Maybe I should save replying for later, or maybe I should read the message now and reply? If I were thinking like a Natural Hygienist, I would be fasting for the full day today, and I would save my reply until after the Spanish lesson. You know what, I'll save reading the message and replying until after the Spanish lesson. But about fasting, I don't know. I did do 100 push ups and 100 sit ups already today. Ugh. I'll think about it while having the Spanish lesson.

9:04 AM

I am still waiting for my tutor to come online. She's basically my therapist. I talk to her about all my problems in Spanish, everything, relationship stuff, work, and it's like really lame problems. I did so much today, but I still feel like a failure because I have so many tasks pending. I have to review the draft for the luck book I'm writing, I still haven't done that. I have to upload my 3 songs to different music platforms, I still haven't done that. I paid hundreds of dollars for these songs, and I paid thousands for the book. I still need to do these things. Then I have to call IT today to get my password reset. I have so many things to do, that's why I feel like a failure every day. Also my relationships, like I want to get into a relationship.

My car bills were paid yesterday, my condominium HOA fees were paid today. I paid all my credit card bills on Sunday and yesterday, and I signed off my work timesheet yesterday. All my bills like electricity, water, Internet, phone bill, should be taken care of already too.

10:48 AM

I just had my Spanish lesson and then I spent some time replying to my match last night, then I went on VegPal for a bit and liked some women there. I got a new match on VegPal just now!

7:37 PM

Well the morning today was excellent. I did a lot this morning, but the rest of the day wasn't so great. I was on YouTube a lot, watching videos. I worked a little bit too. I played a bit of Disney Melee Mania again, and I did "that" again. I talked to some matches again, and yeah.

I did lose 4 pounds today though, which is really fast. Yesterday I weighed 187.3 pounds in the morning, and then I ate a lot at Mama Pacha's and I also ate an Acai Bowl and Dragon Fruit bowl at around 5 PM, and I felt really good, really nice. This morning I weighed 186.2 pounds, which is fine. I didn't use the bathroom the rest of the day except for just peeing, and I drank water too. The rest of the time I have basically just been lying down, watching videos, I would stand up every now and then to walk around, do some pull up and chin up attempts, and walk around to get whatever, but yeah the weight is just coming right off without me doing much.

I think it was from the hour of walking in the morning and 100 push ups and 100 sit ups and also doing "that", that is accelerating my weight loss. My heart rate averages in the low 60s now, sometimes going into the 50s, and even this morning it went down to exactly 50, which is weirdly low. I mean it's a good thing, I want my heart rate that low, that's a goal, but already, right now? Maybe my watch was malfunctioning?

12:28 AM (of Thursday, February 3rd 2022)

I dropped out of my classes that I was taking this term. I thought I could do them, but I procrastinated again last minute and didn't have enough time to complete the assignments, so I had to drop out. So I had a great start to today, an above average great start to today, I just didn't have a great rest of the day I guess. I did "that" again too.

That was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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