Feb. 3, 2022

Another Good Morning, Installed ATH Movil, Ate even though I wanted to Fast

7:06 PM (of Saturday, February 5th 2022)

Today is Thursday, February 3rd 2022 and I wanted to fast today, just like how I fasted the entire day yesterday. Instead though, I ordered some food at Bori Vegan online, and it was a somewhat inconvenient process, so that should have deterred me.

7:26 AM (of Tuesday, February 8th 2022)

I had to download this app called ATH Movil, which is like WeChat or M-Pesa, which is similar to CashApp or Venmo or PayPal in the U.S. but those three aren't used at retailers in the U.S. Here we use ATH Movil at every retailer, so people will ask you "Can you pay by ATH Movil?" but in Spanish. It is extremely common here.

So I had to download the app, sign up for an account, connect my bank account to it, and so on. It took me like 20 minutes to do, and the whole process was in Spanish. Before all that though, in the morning I walked outside for an hour, did my Spanish lessons, and then did 50 to 70 push ups, before going out to pick up the food. It sucks driving there too, because it takes like 20 minutes to get there, and I just disliked the entire process. When I got back home, I did another 50 or 30 push ups, whatever amount I needed to get to 100, before I started eating.

After I ate, I had a meeting with my client or boss. We talked about why I was behind on the tasks, and the tasks I was stuck on. So he gave some tips, stuff I already knew, in ideas of how to solve these problems. Programming is just problem solving, I already came up with the solution ideas he gave, and tried them out, sometimes even if you know what to do you still run into some unexpected problems. I finished an item today though, that really should have taken me just a few minutes to do, but yeah I submitted it today and it passed.

After that I don't know what happened next. I am pretty sure I did "that" again. Maybe twice or something, I don't know. I don't remember because it's been a few days. Maybe I played Disney Melee Mania again? Maybe I watched some anime or a program in Spanish? Maybe I chat on social media?

Oh yeah that's it. Though I probably did a little bit of everything I mentioned above, I also chat on social media with my matches. The main person I'm talking to and the one I like the most right now is that person I described on yesterday's or a few days ago's entry about working for a non-profit and being nice and all. We can call her Riley because I think she looks like a RIley. We have been sending each other pretty long messages, like probably 2-3 paragraphs, probably more, spaced out through multiple chat bubbles, every reply. We would take like 8 to 10 hours or so on average to reply to each other though.

Like I said I'm happy with each one of my matches, and I'd be happy to be with any one of them. We are just spaced out through long distance though so it's hard or impossible to see anyone. Pretty much every single person I've talked to was fine in meeting up in real life too though, including Riley. Yeah I don't think there was a single person yet I've spoken to that didn't want to meet up in real life. So, we'll see. It's still inconvenient though, but I have the ability to fly and go anywhere in the world, though everyone I've been talking to basically lives on the East Coast U.S. because that's where I set my location in the dating app. Yeah I haven't matched with anyone outside that area basically, but it's a big area, and I'm not even in that area right now, I have to fly to visit anyone.

So yeah that was my day today. I think tonight might've been the night I had no electricity. I don't know though. I also think today was the day I set up the near infrared light in my room. I had this light for like a month now and just never used it, I used to have one in the U.S. too but rarely used it, but I thought it would be cool to have one here to shine on my body every now and then.

Written by JustMegawatt

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