Feb. 6, 2022


So, I remember starting this way over a year ago.

I wrote like 2 entries then abandoned this site. I remembered it again and scoured the internet trying to find it. Eventually, I founded it through my Apple saved passwords.

Its so funny reading my entries again, because without those I would’ve completely forgotten those days. Maybe I’ll start journaling again, but only for particularly interesting days.. (also I’m not stopping my weirdly dramatic titles)

so, back when I wrote my first entry ‘memory lane’ or something, Genshin Impact didn’t come out yet. Now it’s out and I can officially say that I am obsessed. I still play Honkai, but not as much.

I’ve gotten into the weird and wonderful land of fan fiction. I can say that my drawings really did improve. I’m in a different apartment. I’ve started a manga collection. I’m still friends with all of the people I was before.

There are other things, of course. I feel like I’m bored all of the time, and my screentime has really risen. I don’t really exercise or move around as much. I mean, sometimes I feel stuck in time and sosososo bored.

But overall, I’d say things have gotten better? I’ll try to journal a bit more.

Written by Kiana-Kaslana

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