Feb. 5, 2022

Fasted and Dopamine Detoxed Today

8:12 AM (of Tuesday, February 8th 2022)

Today is Saturday, February 5th 2022 and I fasted today. I had all my notifications turned off, I had no food the whole day, I basically just read the whole day, and oh yeah it rained the whole day today. It was raining, and all I did today was basically read some ebooks. I can't believe there are people that can read a book in like 5 hours. I spent the whole day reading today, like 10+ hours of reading, and I didn't even finish a single book. Maybe I didn't read that whole time though? Maybe I distracted myself my going online or something for a bit. I don't recall fully.

But yeah I spent the majority of today reading and I didn't even finish one book. I got through most of one book though, then got bored of the rest of the content. There was some famous large book, I don't remember what it was, but apparently it only takes like 8 hours to read or something like that, and A-Bas-Le-Ciel was comparing that to how much time some video game players spend on video games, like 100+ hours a month or something like that, and was making a point that so much can be done in a day if it weren't for video games.

So that's why I wanted to dopamine detox as well as fast, because I wanted to get rid of my terrible unproductive habits and do something with my life. So that is what I did today. I think I fell for some trap and did "that" at night though, which made me eat the next day. I think that's what happened.

At night, the water shut off. I am pretty sure it was tonight. Yeah, I have had no water since then. No water on Sunday, no water on Monday, I did have like 20 gallons of water in reserve in a bunch of containers of water, but it takes around 1.5 gallons of water to flush a toilet, so I only have a limited number of times I can do number two. If I'm only doing number one, I'm not flushing.

Anyway I didn't expect to have no water for this long. I was expecting it to be a thing resolved tomorrow (Sunday) but as of Tuesday morning it's still not resolved yet.

So that was my full day today, I basically just read the whole day but I didn't even finish one book. I also turned off my Wi-Fi for most of the day today because I wasn't using it. I think it was last night that I re-arranged my furniture around the Wi-Fi router so that I could unplug it more easily, and today I left it unplugged for the majority of the day if not the whole day.

Written by JustMegawatt

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