Feb. 7, 2022

Ate a lot again, played Chrono Trigger, Watched DBZ

8:34 AM (of Tuesday, February 8th 2022)

Today is Monday, February 7th 2022 and I would say today was just another normal work day. I wanted to fast again today, and I wanted to dopamine detox again the full day today, but I messed up a lot yesterday, so I was very hungry today. I ate a bunch, and I also played video games and watched some anime. So I just really let myself go today.

I consider today a transition day, the last day I will take part in so many pleasures and addictions. I really just let myself go today. I felt a bunch of pleasures today but I really want to dopamine detox and fast again for real starting tomorrow (Tuesday).

I did "that" twice today too, but I am done now. I also downloaded and installed Chrono Trigger for my iPhone at night. I've been playing it, and it's been fun, but I think I can just read the walkthrough online to get the full story, without actually playing the game. I think the game is a waste of time anyway, it takes hours to beat, and it won't really improve my life in any way after beating it.

I went to Mama Pacha's today and got a big meal. By a big meal, I mean I got $60 worth of vegan food, four smoothies, four entrees. They probably thought this was for multiple people, but nope, just for me. I gained 3-4 pounds on the scale the next day after eating this, and that's after using the bathroom in the morning. I didn't eat all of this in one sitting, it took me like 8 hours to eat the whole thing, but yeah I managed to stuff it all without using the bathroom once, because I only have a limited number of flushes, so I would only use the bathroom if I had a real big "event".

I also watched Dragon Ball Z episode 200 through 209 or so today, that was the Saiyaman Saga, where Gohan is 16 years old and he goes to high school for the first time and he has incredible powers far beyond the average person. I just thought it was interesting, how this person was the person that saved the earth in the show's universe, but he was just a regular kid basically. His family and also Vegeta and Bulma's family, are the strongest people on the entire planet, also Bulma's Capsule Corp makes her I think the wealthiest person in the show, while Goku's family is poor. There's also Mr. Satan and his daughter, they are the most famous people on the planet in the show.

And yet, even though these people in the show are the most powerful, they're all so mortal and humble and just regular people as well. Gohan still has to go to school, and he goes on a few dates, but he is also picked on a little. Same with Videl, and she's the daughter of the most famous person in the show.

I get that it's all a fictional show, but it's just interesting how even the most powerful people in the show are just regular people basically. This is in big contrast to shows today, like Overlord, where the main character is basically god of the entire show, has people kneeling and serving and obeying his whim 24/7, and he can literally do anything as he pleases and also make people do anything he wants. I think the DBZ take is closer to reality, even if you get a lot of money and fame, you are still just another regular person.

Written by JustMegawatt

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