Feb. 9, 2022

following so far

Wake up at 3:30 AM, freshen up a bit, study from 4 AM to 6 AM, shower, get ready for online lectures till 7:30 AM.

This has been my daily morning schedule so far, and I am very happy that I have not missed any of it yet, let's hope it stays like that.

Some of the things I learned from waking up early are- There is no one to disturb you, your friends will not message you to pass their time, you'll be focused throughout your study session and it is better for your health too.

Also while talking with my friends yesterday, I made a story completely out of my imagination that too in very less time and it didn't suck according to them. So I am happy about it, I am no good writer but sometimes it just works!

Anyways, that's about it, see ya!

Written by 49asvk

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