Feb. 8, 2022

Another Failed Day But At Least I Uninstalled All My Games!

9:19 AM (of Wednesday, February 9th 2022)

Today is Tuesday, February 8th 2022 and it was another "failed" day for the most part. For the past 5 or so days, since Saturday, I have wanted to fast and do a dopamine detox. I fasted for one or two days total the past week even though I wanted to fast for another 14 days straight again, I keep failing. The water was still out the whole day today, it's been out since Saturday night, and I only had about 10 or so gallons of water left in storage today. I have to use 1.5 gallons of water to flush the toilet, and maybe a quarter of a gallon a day for washing my hands, and probably half a gallon to a gallon for drinking.

This isn't the first time this has happened, probably every 1 to 2 weeks some sort of problem with either water, Internet, or electricity pops up. It's very common. I don't even know if I write about it each time it has happens, but yeah it happens all the time. Sometimes it's very brief, like the electricity goes out for only a few hours or even just a few minutes, which includes taking out the Internet, and I don't even remember it enough to mention it in my journal entries. I think the electricity went out probably 3 to 4 times last week. Sometimes the electricity goes out for a few seconds, like 10 seconds, and then it comes back on, and I really don't care about those instances enough to even write about them.

Anyway I didn't have any Spanish lessons this morning, so I don't remember that well what I did in the morning. Oh yeah, I spent most of that morning catching up on my previous February journal entries, which was like 5 entries. I really hated writing about how I did "that" so many times though, like it's embarrassing and shameful. Even though I wanted to stop, I did "that" four times throughout the day today, I mean it's really pathetic, that's really the strongest addiction I have right now and it is so messed up and very embarrassing I even write about these problems in public journal entries. I really want to stop but I also just want to write honestly about my day and how I felt about it.

I wanted to fast and dopamine detox today, so I guess I spent the entire day just resisting doing terrible activities, although I obviously failed. I did uninstall Disney Melee Mania finally though, the only reason I keep playing is because I think I am the top player in that game. If they kept a win/loss stats record, I have basically won all my games and lost like maybe 20 games or something, out of maybe like 400 games. They also make you log in every day because the store items change every day and you have to play at least 3 games a day for the events.

I am pretty much unbeatable at that game with any character now. It used to be that I was only good with Ralph, but I learned to play every other character, so now I dominated with every character. I have won some remarkable 2v3 games before, against human players, and yeah I can tell when it's against humans or bots. All my characters are super high level, at least for right now because the game is less than 2 months old, of course in a year everyone will have higher levels than me, but for this initial generation of players, I consider myself the top player. I have beaten even the “best” from this generation, and these were just players I saw often and they won often, but not against me. I also played this game in Spanish, that’s why everything is in Spanish. But it took up a lot of my time, so I uninstalled it, I no longer care about this game, it makes almost no difference in my life anyway.

I did do some work today. Maybe like an hour or two of work. I realized there is always some difficulty at any work task, even some of the easy ones. By difficulty, I mean I expected to get an item done quickly and then it ended up taking longer.

I ate this entire bag of pears that I bought, which was like 10 pears or something like that, there were a lot. I went to the Wal-Mart at like 8 PM and bought myself some salad, an avocado, and I wanted to get Vegan Robb's chips again to eat with the salad, but again they were sold out, they are the only sold out chips that they have and they are my favorite. I checked every single other chips there hoping to find something decent, not too many calories, salty, and vegan. I checked every bag of chips there and was about to just not get anything, but I was hungry so I ended up going with a bag of Pop Corners and a bag of Boom Chika Pop,

At night I watched this anime called The Misfit of Demon King Academy and it was good. I've seen pretty much every anime, it takes less than a day to watch most anime series, just like this one. It took me like 6 hours to watch the whole thing, probably less. There's a few I like a lot, the ones I probably like the most are Overlord and Sword Art Online. I have seen so many anime it's not even funny, I like a lot of them, but those ones are my favorite. The Misfit of Demon King Academy is pretty good, it's about a demon king that reincarnated 2000 years into the future, and he is the strongest being in the universe basically, a common trope in many animes. He even fights the god of time who is a scythe wielding god who can control time, and he wins, that was my favorite fight.

So the anime has three main races, the demons, the humans, and the spirits and they all look identical, they all look like humans. There's no physical discernible difference at all between them, even all the demons are just human looking people but they are called demons for some reason. Spirits can fade and become transparent though when their myth or legend doesn't get told, so that's one difference. Demons can use demon magic and humans can use holy magic or something, I think that's like the only difference between them. Anyway the world is at peace, but some humans hate demons so they want to wage war and kill them all, and the demons are basically all peaceful and nice people.

I like this take on the traditional hero vs demon king story, in that in this story the demon king is the main character and he is a good guy, while the "bad guys" are the humans and the hero. Well, that's what you might think while watching it. The demon king can kill anyone with just a snap of his fingers, he can make people fly backwards by blinking his eyes, he can even kill someone just using the beat of his heart. Yeah, that happened. He lifted this, I don't know, 100,000 ton gigantic castle with 1 finger and spun it around his finger like a basketball and then he threw it some miles away, yeah he really did that.

In terms of showing off how much overpowered someone is, I think this show has done it best. Even in Dragon Ball Z I have never seen any of the characters make anyone fly backwards by just blinking their eye, or completely obliterate someone just by snapping their fingers. He can also bring people back to life from the dead, he can resurrect himself after dying, he can teleport anywhere, and there is also creation magic in the show where people can literally spawn anything out of their imagination, so he can make anything. He can also time travel. So yeah, he is extremely overpowered.

A really nice touch to the show is that there are no dead animals, no meat, no corpses of animals, anywhere in the entire show. And they eat full lunches and dinners several times in the show, but they only ate mushroom gratin, bread, and vegetable salads. Even in the marketplace, I didn't see any corpses or meat anywhere, but there were some that sort of looked like it, but it's hard to tell. I looked up the ingredients for mushroom gratin, the main character's favorite meal that he has at every meal, and it does have cheese and butter, but I think it's a start. I think those animal products are extremely unnecessary and pretty much add nothing to food, no flavor, no nutrition, no texture, just unnecessary.

I remember when I was in high school and I used to eat animal products, I would make myself "pizza" by taking some bread and putting some tomato sauce on it, sprinkling on top some shredded cheese, and putting on some cut flesh of a tortured pig (ham), and then putting it into the mini oven. It would come out not looking like pizza, but it really tasted like pizza. The cheese wouldn't even melt properly most of the time so I intentionally stopped adding it after a while, and I noticed that it didn't take anything out of the flavor. Sometimes I would even just put on just tomato sauce and just the bread and toast that, and it would taste like pizza still. I also experimented with not having any tomato sauce, and then it tasted nothing at all like pizza. That was one of my realizations that cheese and meat were basically flavorless, that the "pizza" flavor comes from the toasted bread and tomato sauce. I had similar revelation stories with other animal products starting in elementary school, like with realizing chicken and tuna were also flavorless, but those stories are not relevant right now.

Anyway having no meat in the show is a very nice touch. I noticed the same with some other anime like Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers and cartoon movies like The Road to El Dorado. The fact that they were also demons was also a nice touch. Whenever I watch some anime where it's some human "heroes" vs "the demon king", and then I watch the "heroes" killing animals and eating their corpses everywhere they go, defeating demons here and there as they charge for the demon king's castle and the demon king is basically doing nothing but defending himself, it makes you wonder who the real demons are.

I think if I were to write a fiction, it would be like the above. Or I would do a parody of another trope I noticed, I would write a story about how some NEET (Not in Employment, Education, or Training, basically a NEET is a person that sits at home living with their parents doing nothing), but this NEET plays strategy video games all day, and then he is recruited to become a general of the real army because of his video game experience. This would be a parody because I have noticed a bunch of anime with the same trope, some video game addict that is good at a game suddenly becomes a person that can change the world somehow. The trope can be found in Btooooom!, Outbreak Company, Sword Art Online, Gate, No Game No Life, and some others. Probably other people wouldn't view it as a parody, but I believe such a concept is so ridiculous that it can't be anything else except a parody.

You know what? I'm going to hire someone to ghost write a story like that for me right now. That sounds like a good idea. I can pay per chapter, and I can edit the story too.

Alright I just submitted my light novel idea to the only light novel writer on Fiverr:

"Hi! I am looking a light novel story and I can pay per chapter.

The story will be about a 31 year old NEET who lives with his parents in Tokyo and he does nothing but play strategy video games all day for 18 to 20 hours a day. The first few chapters can be about him dominating his opponents in these games by using strategies. Maybe winning tournaments or something.

He knows everything about war history, strategy, and tactics and he is the best player in multiple strategy games about ancient wars, middle age wars, modern wars, even wars in space and fantasy wars.

Later on he gets recruited by Japanese military in a war against China and Russia, and he starts off as an infantry person but goes up the ranks to eventually leading the army as its main general. The countries and some cities can use real names, but everything else such as people, weapons, etc, should be made up names.

All his friends will be attractive and young female characters, all the males in the story will just be acquaintances or enemies and none get close to him. He will basically have a harem where his first in command, second in command, etc. are all young attractive females.

He is confident and never loses any battles or wars or anything, use plot to make his strategies and tactics always work out. You can use real strategies that were used in real historical wars or make up some in some fake wars.

He is an ethical vegan so he eats no meat or other animal products. While a NEET living with his parents and playing games all day, he mainly lives off of miso ramen tofu and vegetables. There should be scenes with food like lunch and dinners with family and friends but he refuses anything with animal products in it.

He has never worked a day in his life and he dropped out of middle school after he won money from a big strategy game tournament and decided he would do that for the rest of his life.

He doesn't have any friends or has ever had a girlfriend and is a virgin at 31 years old. His username is famous online, everyone recognizes him. He has mostly fans online but no one knows him in real life. There should be some scenes when he logs on and everyone wants his attention.

His mom works as a grocery store clerk and his dad works as a convenience store cashier. He has a younger sister who goes to college and is pretty and popular. She eventually joins his harem.

Anyway that's the idea! Can you do it? I will keep paying as long as it has readers."

I probably had the same idea back in October / November 2021 to hire someone to ghost writer to write light novels for me, but when I searched at that time, I couldn't find anyone. Now there is one person who does it, and apparently they signed up in November 2021, so there we go. Anyway, I sent them that message so I hope they accept.

My idea is to eventually turn it into a manga if it has like 1000 readers per chapter or something. Wouldn't that be nice? Anyway it costs like $3000 per manga chapter or something like that, it costs around $100 to hire a manga artist to draw a single professional manga page, just one page. I am probably not justified to pay $3000 for a story with 1000 readers. Maybe 10,000 readers then? Yeah. If we can get 10,000 reads per chapter, I will personally pay $3000 per manga chapter. I don't even think I will get any money from this, I just want to share my story around.

Yeah so this is basically a satire or parody. It might not even seem that way, but I wrote that plot and story idea with the idea it was a satire and parody.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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