Feb. 9, 2022

Ants and Other Insects, Watched Anime, and Had a Spanish Lesson at Night

11:43 PM

So I am lying on the floor right now on the yoga mat again as I write this. There are some ants crawling around the floor all around me, there's a lot of ants and other insects inside my home, even mosquitoes. I used to really hate mosquitoes, but honestly they're not as bad as noseeums, so compared to the 200+ or so bites I got from one evening at the beach from noseeums and having hundreds of red rashes all over my body, getting one or two mosquito bites a day is honestly nothing. They just leave one or two rashes and that's it, that's like nothing. So I don't even stress out by mosquitoes anymore.

But ants are very interesting to look at and observe. They're so tiny and yet they're so emotive. I see them doing some weird dances like raising their ant abdomens or raising their pincers into the air, they crawl around all over like around me and my laptop and sometimes they crawl on top of me too. I can blow them away with a single breath, though sometimes they're gripping the ground and they don't blow away easily. Sometimes the big warrior ants come out and they're big and scary, well pretty small compared to me and I can crush them with a finger, although I never kill any insects or animals intentionally except mosquitoes, I don't even eat any animals either which I think should be the norm, we should all by default not kill and eat any animals.

Anyway I enjoy having these ants around because they are pretty fun to interact with. They don't really bother me, and it makes me feel less alone when they are with me. It's very cool that they are just randomly around me and my laptop all the time, just crawling around on the floor. If I leave any crumbs or whatever, they usually pick it up. They are especially fond of anything sweet, like if I leave some leftover fruit or something, they will start crawling and gathering all over it, so I am forced to clean up. They leave these "ant piles" of dead ant bodies outside their nests, and I clean those up every now and then. Very interesting to look at and just see a bunch of dead ants in a pile.

There's also spiders and other insects in here. Some people are scared of them, but they really don't bother me. As long as they're not being a pest, I won't kill them because I don't see the point. My home won't really be much different whether it's insect free or not. We live for such a short time, and they live far shorter lives. I'll at least let them have fun and survive while they're here, so that my home and I are a part of their history and lineage in some way. Some would argue that because we live such short lives that we should be able to kill and eat animals who live shorter lives so we can enjoy their flesh, I think that's really dumb, violent, unnecessary, a huge waste of resources to raise said animal, environmentally harmful, too much effort to clean their waste and their corpse of blood, guts, and bones, and not even healthy or even that tasty for us humans either.

If we start having a noseeum invasion here, or a bed bug invasion, and I start getting hundreds of rashes again, that's when I would be pissed and I would hire an exterminator to kill any noseeums, but they would probably also wipe out the other insects. But otherwise, as long as we don't have any noseeums and no bed bugs, then I don't really care. Why do people complain about mosquitoes? It's because they don't know about noseeums. Noseeum and bed bugs are the worst pests. The 200+ red rashes on my body from last month have pretty much all faded now which I am so happy for. I hated those bites. I was thinner than I'd ever been in the past 2-3 years and I couldn't even take off my shirt at the beach without embarrassment because of all those 200+ red rashes and it was so annoying, they were so very itchy.

People can't really imagine what having 200+ itchy red rashes on their body feels like. It's like I wanted to scratch everything at every time, and it was so extremely itchy. I put baking soda all over my body to stop the itching, and it worked, that was the only thing that stopped the itching. Of course my floor was covered with white powder and I had to walk around in underwear the whole time with a guest in my home, and she took pictures of me being covered in baking soda because she thought it was funny. Anyway that's basically the only scenario, and bed bugs, that I would call in an exterminator. Other than that, I love living with my tiny insect friends.

So today, I didn't do that much. It was the same as yesterday basically. I went to Frescura Vegan Kitchen and got another big $60 meal, four entrees and four smoothies. I decided today would be the last day, tomorrow, I would start anew and fast and dopamine detox too. I'm just gonna call it a dopamine fast as well. So I am food fasting and dopamine fasting. No, that's too confusing. I'll just refer to it as dopamine detox again.

I watched this anime called "Akashic Records of Bastard Magical Instructor" and the first few episodes were good. Like the first five episodes maybe. Then it kinda got too insane, like they had these major battles for an unknown reason and it kinda seemed like they were just making things up as it went along. Actually, the anime probably sucked from the beginning, but there was one scene that really turned me off. It was when they were in this hallway, and the enemy in there turned into some giant monster using magic, and the main character just runs underneath the monster's legs to get passed him in the hallway, and I was like what the heck, why'd the monster guy just let him through, and the next scenes sucked, he started using a pistol gun to shoot up a giant computer monitor, and this is supposed to be a show about magic, so I just stopped watching because it was getting ridiculous.

I started watching this other anime called "The 8th son? Are you kidding me?" and I like it. There's some parts I dislike, but overall I think it's a good anime so far. It's very chill, the main character is overpowered, and he goes around getting married and getting the attention of everyone in the nation and so on. By the 4th episode he meets the king and becomes a baronet and becomes a celebrity for the entire nation and he also becomes a billionaire in USD. He converted 1000 gold in the show to being the equivalent of 1 billion Yen, and he got paid 150,000 gold for slaying a dragon, when 150,000 gold is converted to Yen and then converted to USD, it is about 1.3 billion dollars.

So in the first episode he is a six year old kid that eats water soup and bread for his meals every day, and by the fourth episode he is a billionaire, he is a celebrity for the entire nation, he is knighted as royalty by the king, and I think he gets engaged in the fourth episode as well, so that's how fast paced this show is. I like watching it.

Also I had one Spanish lesson today, and it was at night time. Our energy was way different at night! She was way more energetic and more talkative at night, so I scheduled more lessons at night. It's honestly annoying for me to have them in the morning anyway because she's tired, yawning, and she gets up super early just to have the lesson with me. So I think this is better for both of us.

I still haven't logged onto social media basically for the past almost one week.

I am really tired now. The time is 12:27 AM f Thursday, February 10th, and I am very sleepy as I write this. I always say, "I can write more but I am too sleepy" and it's true. I honestly can write a lot more, but fatigue and tiredness hit me at night. The thing is, when I have energy, then I don't really feel like writing. In a way, it's ironic right?

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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