Feb. 10, 2022

Exercised, Hired Another Ghost Writer

8:51 AM (of Friday, February 11th 2022)

Today is Thursday, February 10th 2022. There is definitely an upper limit to satisfaction with money. I literally can't buy anything anymore because there is nothing more I want. There is no point in me buying a TV because I already have one. There is no point in me buying a bed because I already have one, I have two actually if the futon is counted, and I have three if the floor with a yoga mat counts as a bed. No point in me buying another home because I already have one. I don't have a want or need for anymore laptops. I don't have a want for another watch or any clothing (maybe new clothes when I lose weight). I don't want another car.

Nothing I do in my life is for money anymore. I do everything either just for fun or to alleviate boredom. I really need to fast and dopamine detox if I want to get my life going in a productive direction again. I planned on fasting and dopamine detoxing today, but nope, I ended up eating again today and I also watched anime again today. What a disappointment.

I walked outside for 30 minutes this morning. I only walked for 30 minutes because I hated how the outdoors smelled, it smelled like car fumes and cars are always driving by all the time. I really want to go to a park or somewhere where I can walk for many hours straight and feel nice and clean for doing it. The only park I know near here though is like 30 to 40 minutes away driving. I guess an advantage in living in Virginia was that I could go outside my parent's home and it was mainly green with nice air to breathe and not many cars driving by and it was easy to walk around for hours. Here I am in the middle of the capital city of Puerto Rico and there's cars driving around constantly and the air in my neighborhood is not clean and fresh.

When I came back home, I also did some uncounted number of push ups and sit ups and other exercises. I did planks too, and I probably did one for over two minutes. It was easy but I wasn't keeping count for any of my exercises. I didn't keep count because I just did these exercises for fun. Normally I would keep count using my watch, but not this time.

I also discovered this video of a Natural Hygienist person born in 1951 who was vegan since birth, raw vegan for the first 32 years of his life, became a lawyer at 25 years old, became president of Health magazine later on, and he's 70 years old now. Natural hygiene is that lifestyle I wrote about earlier that encouraged fasting, avoiding medical doctors, eating only natural whole foods, avoiding animal products and processed foods, exercising, going outside for fresh air and sunshine every day, and being productive every day. The natural hygiene lifestyle makes sense to me and honestly sounds like the ideal way to live but it's pretty hard to implement. Well, it's not really hard, it's just not the way I am living right now so making a shift can be difficult.

I got two entrees and two smoothies at Mama Pacha's today. I was supposed to fast, but nope.

I pretty much just watched anime the rest of the day, and I went out to get an Acai Bowl and Pitaya Bowl later in the evening at around 5 or 6 PM.

I had Spanish lessons at night again and it was so much more fun and so much more energetic than Spanish lessons in the morning. It's really a world of a difference. We talked about car parts and I learned to say words like Steering Wheel (Volante) and Wheel (llanta). We went over some funny words and rules in English and Spanish. Like you can say "it's hot as hell" but also "it's cold as hell" in English, but you can't say it's cold as hell in Spanish because hell isn't cold, and it doesn't have that same kind of rule.

Oh yeah, I hired a ghost writer to write that first chapter of the story "The NEET who Became General of the Army" or some other title like that, it's a working title. Because that's the common trope and trend these days, make some very absurd story about some NEET loser guy that does something pretty much impossible. I mean I watched that anime the other day, and it was fun to watch, "The 8th Son? Are you kidding?" where the anime starts off with the main character being 6 years old and living dirt poor eating literally water soup and bread every day and by the 4th episode the main character is 12 years old, he gains attention and is rewarded by the king himself, he gains national fame, a gigantic mansion and property, he gains gold equivalent to $1.3 billion USD, and he gets engaged to a high royalty daughter, all by the 4th episode.

Yeah so this "NEET General who becomes General of the Army" story is a parody and satire of the current tropes and trends in anime and manga and light novels. I doubt anyone will see it that way, because it literally mimics every other ridiculous story nowadays. Pretty much every story is now about exactly that, the sad thing being is that it's actually fun and exciting to watch, unlike the other stories. These ones are just far more addicting. I like watching them, watching the main character dominate literally every other character, gain international wealth and fame from nothing, and have a harem and so on.

I went to sleep at around 2 AM today, I was up reading news and other articles online. So much interesting content to read.

Written by JustMegawatt

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