Feb. 14, 2022

Exam time

The schedule is going great, am happy with it. I feel like my days are getting better lol.

Also, I was visiting my grandparents for two days, so no internet there. I planted 3 mango trees that my dad got from a nursery, I am so happy that I got to dig the hole then take out the soil, and then water the plant after it's placed there. I'll check on these three trees every time I visit my grandparents. I've always been hearing from my dad and uncle about how many trees they planted and we can climb on the trees and eat the mangoes because of that, but now I'll be able to say the same thing yay!

Today it's the first paper of my semester-end exam! This time I couldn't study a lot because I was out for two days, I just got back home yesterday night and then went to sleep because everyone was tired of the 6-hour journey. And I am waking up right now. It is 7:14 AM as I am writing this and my exam starts at 10 AM.

So yea I guess I'll stop this now and go study for the remaining time.

That's all, see ya!

Written by 49asvk

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