Feb. 18, 2022

Worked a Little, Read New Story, Last Time Visiting Acai Place

5:35 PM (of Sunday, February 20th 2022)

Today is Friday, February 18th 2022 and it was a regular day today. I have been sleeping really late the entire past week for no reason. Like I have been staying up until 2 AM or so, just browsing the Internet and staying up late. Before this I would normally sleep at around 12 AM, either a little before or a little after, and sometimes even way earlier like at 10 PM or 11 PM. I think I've been finding some interesting content keeping me up lately, so that's why I've been staying up late.

Last night (Thursday), I forgot to mention that I received this mysterious email from the condominium administration and it had a bill for over $1000, with the description saying "derrama" which is spillage in Spanish. I think it had to do with the water problems in the neighborhood, why we would have no water for 3-4 days in a row, and I sent an email asking what this was about last night. I received a reply this morning in Spanish, it basically said something to the effect of it was the repair costs for spillage for the paint job in the neighborhood. I think the reason we had water turned off was there was paint that spilled into the neighborhood's clean water system and it contaminated all the neighborhood's water, or something like that, so we had no water for days at a time while it was being repaired. Anyway they say I have a year to pay it off.

What I remember from today is that I went to Mama Pacha's today, and that was a quick drive, in and out, sent my order real quick and got it real quick. Also I learned recently that Mama Pacha's may be a play on the word Pachamama who is a native American god similar to gaia or an earth mother god. I think I was watching some anime or something and they just mentioned pachamama and I was like wait what, then I looked up the name and it was a god.

What was annoying is that after Mama Pacha's, I drove to the nearby Acai place which is like 3 minutes from where I live, and it took like 30+ minutes for me to get my order. There were two people that came in that got their orders before me. So I was kinda pissed. I mean it was cool browsing Reddit for the first 20 minutes, and then I just kept noticing other people get their orders completed before me, so I was sort of visibly annoyed at the end, and I ended up just grabbing the food angrily and leaving without my usual "gracias". It was so annoying. That's the last time I go there.

I completed some work today and was supposed to have a meeting today, but they said they would just look at it and send me an email later.

I had another Spanish lesson tonight. I don't remember what we talked about. I'm not fluent in Spanish because I still don't know so many words, but I can already convey pretty much any thought and idea that I want to convey. If I don't know the word, I can weasel around it and say something similar. Like for example if I didn't know how to say printer (it's impresora), I can say something like the machine you use a computer to create writing (la machina que puedes usar una computadora para crear escritura). I mean it's completely broken Spanish and it's much less efficient than just saying printer, but it works somewhat. So with that method, I can convey anything I want to convey.

I also didn't even walk outside today because I really dislike the smell of the neighborhood most of the time. I want clean air, not smelly air. I live in the middle of a populated city, and this isn't like regular cities in the U.S. where there is a bunch of space and grass and trees everywhere. It's more like New York where it's a very crowded "concrete jungle" with no trees or grass anywhere and there's lots of cars everywhere. Though unlike New York, there's not that many people walking on the sidewalks. Well there are palm trees here actually, like on the road islands sometimes there's grass and palm trees, but for the most part it's a concrete city.

What's weird is that this has pretty much always been the case, but until I really thought about it, it didn't bother me. I walked outside for many hours before just fine, even with the bad smells. I think natural hygiene has been influencing me a lot with them saying that clean air was the best for our lungs, and of course i started to notice when there wasn't clean air far more often.

I started this manga again tonight called Overgeared. It's pretty good. I think it's one of my favorite light novels and manga that I've read. There was another version of the manga from 2017 with the same title, but it's all gone from the Internet now. The only Overgeared manga they have now is Overgeared 2020 and it's good, it's admittedly way better than the 2017 version, but the 2017 version was funnier. They changed a lot of aspects for no reason like they made the beautiful princess Irene a fat obese woman in the 2017 version for no reason except comical reasons, but that's no longer viewable. So I just read through the 2020 version and it was fun reading through it again.

Written by JustMegawatt

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