Feb. 22, 2022

Special Time and Date of 22:22:22 on 2/22/2022, Picked Up Dad, Meeting with Lia, Started Flutter

11:57 PM (of Wednesday, February 23rd 2022)

Today is Tuesday, February 22nd 2022. Today is 2/22/2022. Sometimes the year is shortened to just the last two digits, so the date is sometimes written as 2/22/22. Also for 24 hour time, it uses 22:00 for 10 PM, so 10:22 PM would be 22:22. There can also be a second colon for the seconds, so at some point today it was 22:22:22 2/22/22. I made a wish when that time went by. Will it come true? I'll write down if it does! If I don't ever mention it again, then it didn't come true! Also it could take years for this to come to fruition.

So today was an eventful day. In the morning, I went out walked outside for 30 minutes. Today the air wasn't so bad, it was pretty nice out! Afterwards I went home, did 10 push ups and some pull up attempts. I could do more push ups, but it's honestly kind of tiring, so that's why I just did 10 instead of 100. Maybe I'll do 100 again when I lose more weight and it becomes easier.

I think I spent the rest of the time just cleaning up home, getting ready for my dad to arrive. I really don't remember what else I did, I know I didn't do any work today either though. I also didn't go out to get any food, because when my dad arrived, I planned for us to go to Fresh Mart and pick up some ingredients so he could cook for us since he is vegan as well. I could cook at home myself, but for some reason lately I haven’t, I've mainly been going out and buying a meal or having someone else cooking. AJN and Eda cooked for me when they were here. I hope they're both alright, actually I know AJN is fine since she messaged me a few times today, but I still haven't written the entries for all the days when Eda was over and she's been waiting to read those too.

Yesterday Lia and I talked about having a zoom meeting today. I told her I would let her know when I was available, probably at around 3 or 4 pm, since I was going to be doing other things such as picking up my dad at the airport before then.

I went out to pick up my dad at 2 PM. What was I doing before then? I was busy with something. I think I was updating this website to make it easier to make entries private. I did that because I wanted to make it easier for me to make some of my entries private without having to click edit and then make it private from there.

12:29 AM (of Thursday, February 23rd 2022)

So I've been keeping a daily journal since 2010. It was all private until I put up my first public journals in 2016 on a different website, and I did that for over a year until around 2018. Do I regret writing and publishing those entries where anyone could read them? They're all taken down today, but I have saved backups somewhere. How I feel about those entries from 2016-2018 will probably be similar to how I would feel about these entries today in 5 years. Well, honestly, I don't think I regret putting those up. They're kinda so far in the past too that they no longer concern me, but at least I can know what happened on what day if I ever wanted to.

Anyway I picked up my dad after leaving home at 2 PM, and we go straight to Fresh Mart to get some groceries. He updates me on a bunch of stuff on the drive there. He says he really enjoyed the book The Miracle of Fasting I ordered for him, and all the other Bragg books I ordered for him, and he's been telling siblings about fasting too. One of his siblings, my aunt, he says was diagnosed with cancer recently and she's going to be taken chemo. It's just another reminder that we live short lives, and not to regret things, like me writing my journals publicly. If I died today though, this website should still be up for a year or two before the servers go down.

Anyway, we go to Fresh Mart and just buy some groceries there. Fresh Mart is basically the Whole Foods here in Puerto Rico. Everything there is organic and expensive. After shopping, we drive back home and I help my dad unpack and settle in. I check my phone and see a message from Lia that she sent me the zoom invite at 3 PM EST which was almost 20 minutes ago and I think she was waiting for me the whole time, whoops! No biggie, but the communication wasn't clear that I was going to let her know if I was available at 3 or 4.

Anyway I tell her to give me a bit of time to prepare, and she reschedules for 3:45 PM EST which I accepted. I basically just chilled for a bit, and I misread the meeting to be at 3:35 PM instead of 3:45 PM, so I message her that I was ready 10 minutes ahead of schedule by accident, I just played it cool though.

The meeting was fun. Lia is cool and organized. I told her about Stealth Launch and showed off how it had all the vanity URLs taken, like Facebook.com/stealthlaunch and the same for Twitter and Instagram and even the .com. It's really hard to get all these vanity URLs for your company unless you make up something completely original, even VegPal is taken in most places I think, so she had to resort to using VegPalApp in those places. Anyway Stealth Launch basically only has one product which is ayearago.today, but it can have more. I did start on other things, but never completed them. Most of the revenue is through hourly contracting work, which I do almost daily.

So my presentation which I didn't prepare for and just had tabs open, sucked compared to Lia's great presentation. She had everything ready and presented VegPal and her future plans for VegPal well. She wants me to join the company as the CTO, and I do want to join and contribute what I can as well, I said I could also put in capital. I wanted to trial it first to get a feel and so she let me download the source code for VegPal which was created in Flutter and Dart, and so I need to learn how to use those so I could work with the app in the future.

We agreed to meet up next month when I visit the States again and visit some of the top universities on the east coast. I told her about the vegan scene in Puerto Rico and how it was booming, so she's interested in coming here as well.

So we haven't been talking for too long, around just a week, but I would say that due to our goals aligning, both of us being business owners, owning our own homes, having all the freedom in the world, I would say Lia is at the top of all my matches and all the women I'm currently talking to. I have like 30 matches across Veggly and VegPal. She's ahead of all the other women who I may or may not meet up with in the future, and there's a bunch that want to meet up too, like I probably have a date this weekend with another match who lives on the island. There's other women who are fine with meeting up and going out too, and I was going to fly to them or they would fly to me, but I'm starting to care less about meeting up with anyone else.

Would it be nice to have your business partner also be your partner partner? I think that would be awesome just having everything aligned like that. You would wake up next to your partner, work on the same business together, reach for the same goals, have the same values. I would be the technical computer person, second command, advisor, and she would be the one overseeing the business. How many couples are so connected like that? And it wouldn't be great for one partner to have full freedom to go anywhere and do anything, while the other partner is stuck in one location with a job they're also stuck in.

After the meeting I basically just downloaded Flutter and I started studying and learning it. I would take some breaks every now and then, but yeah I mainly just learned about this framework. As with anything, it's difficult to learn at the start, but it makes sense to me how everything is laid out in Flutter. At night I tried to get the source code for VegPal to run in the iOS and Android simulators, but I wasn't able to get it to work.

Anyway, that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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