Feb. 23, 2022

Worked a bit, Got a Nearly Perfect Score on the Fit Beat Song

8:01 AM (of Thursday, February 24th 2022)

Today is Wednesday, February 23rd 2022 and it was a pretty good day today. For the past 2 days I've been waking up way earlier than I've been wanting to, after only like 4-5 hours of sleep and after sleeping really late. I blame it on the acai bubble tea I got recently, maybe it's the caffeine from the tea that affected my sleep schedule like this? Either way I was pretty restless this morning.

I continued working on trying to get VegPal to run on the android and iOS simulators but I kept running into one issue after another. I would just search online for the issue and relevant results would pop up, but then another problem would appear, and so on. I got pretty far this morning though, I think the final issue I got stuck on was an iOS license provisioning issue, so I think I needed to either log in as VegPal or get added to the development team to create the provision certificates or something. But I kept trying out other things just in case that wasn't the final thing.

I also worked a bit for a few hours this morning. NW sent an email asking if I could get some certain items done by tomorrow at 12, so I just decided to finish that today. I put on some music and after a while some videos while I worked. I think it's actually not helpful to put up a video while working, but yeah I did it anyway. I finished the tasks after a few hours and submitted them, they said they would review it.

My dad would cook some food up this morning so I ate that. He also cleaned up the home a bit doing some sweeping and vacuuming and asked me if I could repair his computer. His computer is no longer booting up to Ubuntu for some reason. I think maybe the hard drive is physically loose? I've never ran into the issue he's having before where it would just go to the boot menu showing the list of drives, only one was showing up, I think his might have two drives, so I need to open it up and reseat the hard drive I think. I didn't do this today though because I was busy with other tasks.

I went out and exercised by walking around the neighborhood for a bit. I also picked up the mail. My replacement keyboard for one of my computers arrived, I need to replace its keyboard because one of the keys is no longer working.

At night my dad and I went to Wal-Mart to get some more groceries. I also bought a headband and a cloth belt. My hair is getting in front of my eyes a bunch, covering my vision, and I don't want to cut my hair, so I resorted to the headband. I don't like using a headband either though because after I take it off, it seems like my hair contorts to a different shape.

I played Beat Saber again at night, I actually played it a bit this morning too. When I played it this morning, I sucked, I thought I was at my worst ever, getting a B on a song. At night though, I played pretty suckishly too, or so I thought, but I got a new high score on a song and I was surprised because I felt like I was no longer as good as I was last year! So that filled me up with extra energy, and I played this song called Fit Beat and recorded myself playing it. There's this one part of the song that's super fast and I have never gotten all the notes in that section beforre.

Tonight though, while recording, I was playing at my best. I got pretty much every single note on the song Fit Beat, including that super fast part, and I only missed 3 notes the entire song and I got an S rank rating. Wow! Honestly this was my best performance on this song ever, and I just happened to record it. I was dancing around and cheering that I got it all on video.

Anyway that was my day today. It was an alright day! I wish I could have done more, but I needed more sleep to do that.

Written by JustMegawatt

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