Feb. 24, 2022

Walked Outside for 2.5 Hours, Got VegPal To Run on Simulators

10:37 PM

"If you don't go to bed soon, you'll pay for it in the morning" the first words in this anime video I randomly clicked on before starting this entry. I also read an article about Putin's attack on Ukraine today.

6:19 AM (of Friday, February 25h 2022)

Well I ended up staying up for another 3 hours basically after I wrote that paragraph above. I watched videos in the living room with my dad for a bit, I put up Hell March videos of Russia and other armies, and I woke up a few hours later to write this sentence right now. Yeah I've had very few hours of sleep as I write this.

But anyway, today is Thursday, February 24th 2022 and it was a nice day today. Again I woke up pretty early and restless. I'm not sure what's waking me up so early, but I worked on writing yesterday's (Wednesday's) entry this morning and was able to finish it. I also worked on VegPal a bit this morning, trying to get it to run on my computer, but again I ran into issues.

I walked outside for an hour this morning and then my dad prepared some food which I ate.

A bunch of time passed by, and I'm not entirely sure what I was doing. I was pretty much productive the entire day though, even though I didn't work much today.

In the afternoon and evening, I walked outside for another combined 1.5 hours, totaling around 2.5 hours today of walking. I started this new routine of doing 8 laps around the park, and because sometimes I would lose track of the lap count because I would be thinking about things the whole time I was walking, I would keep track of my laps physically by using my fingers. After 8 laps, I also added this routine to put both my hands up in the air as if I were cheering. It's kind of a funny and weird thing to look at that I would randomly emote a cheer in real life while walking, but it always put a smile on my face every time I did it.

I also uploaded a YouTube video today on me playing the song Ghost on Expert+ of Beat Saber. I wasn't able to beat the song because it's the hardest song in the game, but I do keep watching this recorded video on my computer a bunch, maybe it's just to listen to the song, but it's pretty entertaining watching me try to beat this song. So I decided to just upload it there, maybe someone else would enjoy it. I lost one subscriber after uploading it, but I don't really mind.

Throughout most of the day the neighborhood and park was empty, but at night there were some people around. So I did my routine again, walking around and keeping track of my laps in the park with my fingers. Then at the end I would cheer, and I think some people saw me at night this time, but that made me really smile for real because it's a weird and unexpected sight. It was funny for me and it made me feel more alive being able to randomly do this.

Also I got a few waves and nod greetings around the neighborhood today. I am pretty well known here in this neighborhood, though I doubt anyone knows my name, I am just popular for being the only Asian person in the neighborhood and because I walk outside so frequently. Today I started this new weird habit of doing 8 laps around the park and cheering at the end, so I bet that will make me even more known. I had a lot of fn walking outside today though, it's a fun activity.

At around 6 PM I got the android version of VegPal to run. I don't know what's going on, but the debug command builds the app and then tries to run this function called "main" except there's no function called "main" in the entire app. There's this function called "mainCommon" so I just deleted the "Common" part and ran it, and it installed pretty easily on Android. I couldn't run the iOS version though because it kept saying I needed provisioning profile signing permission.

I let Lia know about my progress though, that I got the Android version to run in the simulator and was stuck now trying to run the iOS version and I told her I thought the solution was that I needed to be added to the app's development team. She responded pretty quickly and added me to the dev team and made me an admin. We chat for a bit about other things and I feel pretty good each time we talk. I went outside to walk again after that.

And then I browsed the Internet again and was about to just write my journal entry for the day and go to sleep, and that's when I wrote the first paragraph of this entry, but I ended up staying awake for another three hours just watching videos with my dad. I felt really good throughout the day today though, it was a nice day.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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