Feb. 27, 2022

Went out to some more waterfalls with RadicallyWild, got a haircut

4:26 AM (of Monday, February 28th 2022)

Today is Sunday, February 27th 2022 and it was a fun day today. I woke up at around 2 AM, and did work the entire time basically until around 9 AM when I took a nap for 30 minutes or something. Yeah I was doing mostly productive activities the entire day today.

I even asked my dad to give me a haircut, and told him to just use a shaver and clip all around to give my hair an even length throughout. It worked, with my full beard and short hair, I it looked like a really amazing haircut where my beard and head hair were connected and were around the same length, I loved it. I made the big mistake of then deciding to also trim my beard though, and then my look was ruined. Shaving my beard greatly diminished my appearance with this new haircut so next time I'm just gonna let my beard grow out. But yeah, the haircut is still not bad, it was just way way way better with the beard.

At around 11 AM I messaged RadicallyWild and asked him if he wanted to hang out and go somewhere today. I had first asked Red if she wanted to walk with me today, messaged her at around like 7 AM, but she hadn't responded, so I assumed that she was busy.

RadicallyWild accepted to hang out today, so we went out. I met him at this grocery store meetup spot and picked him up, and then we went over to this new place that was difficult to get to because of very steep hills. So when we reached close to the bottom of the drive with my car, not even the full bottom of the destination, my car wheels and brakes smelled burnt. I parked and the metal hub of the wheels was burning hot, emanating smoke and a burnt scent. I said we should chill at this spot close to the bottom for a bit to let the brakes cool off, because wow, they were seriously getting overheated.

I actually did not even expect overheating or burning brakes to be a possibility until now. At the top of the hill or mountain he told me to change the car to L gear to be able to coast on the way down more easily, because the hills are so steep. My car doesn't have the L option though, so I just changed it to S1 which I think was similar, and that allowed me to coast the car down a lot more easily without braking, but the RPM of the engine was way higher in this gear, so I wasn't sure if it wasn't doing any other damage or whatever.

Anyway the drive down this mountain was difficult because of the steepness of the hill and like I mentioned, the brakes were on fire basically. It's like a 5 minute drive straight down a mountain basically and most cars would have issues going there. I think a person really needs a 4x4 to drive down there.

When we reached the bottom mountain, our destination, there were a bunch of other cars parked in the area and they were all 4x4 vehicles. RW says he hadn't seen that many cars parked there before because it was usually empty. It was hard to park the car since there was almost no parking spots available. Somehow I was able to squeeze my car in at a spot though, with a lot of difficulty. I scraped the bottom of my car at one point, and had my car on 3 wheels at another point, trying to park the car.

Anyway we just started hiking up the river towards these waterfalls and it was an amazing hike. It was slightly drizzling and we were climbing over rocks, crossing over the water, and it was crazy fun. The hike was like 25 to 30 minutes or so, and I can't emphasize how fun this was. I loved stepping on top of rocks, climbing rocks, it was so crazy, it was like a fun obstacle course of just stepping on rock after rock, climbing sides of giant rocks, it was crazy fun.

When we reached the waterfalls it was starting to rain harder. This was a challenge we faced the whole time because it was a rainy day. But yeah no issues otherwise, we swam in the small pond for a while, he jumped off of the 30 foot high cliff a few times, like 3 times, and I would record videos of him doing that. I climbed up to the top there and looked down and I was like, no way. You had to run for sure take a leap to make sure you don't hit the side of the cliff, because it isn't like a straight up and down cliff but more like one that was sloped and was possible to climb.

The pond or small lake or whatever was very deep, like I wouldn't be surprised if it were like 70 feet deep or more. I swam around it a few times. It was raining hard too, at several points it really started to rain extremely heavily to the point that the two big towels and everything we brought was soaking wet basically. The towels were so wet it was as if we dropped them in the lake itself and just carried them out.

At one point there was some tour guide that arrived and started talking to us. It was mainly RW talking to them and they shared their Instagram. It was their first time here and they were tour guides for exotic places in Puerto Rico or something and they had 16,000 followers. Anyway they were there for literally like 5 minutes only and just took a bunch of pictures around the area and then left. They didn't swim, didn't do anything more, just posed for a bunch of photos then left. What's up with that? We were there for like 2 hours just swimming, jumping, diving, having fun, all while it rained very heavily.

We started hiking back, and took a bunch of pictures on the way back. This time it was raining so extremely hard that a flash flood was possible, so we started to head back rapidly. This was again so much fun just climbing over the rocks and hiking. It was a serious adventure. I can't wait to take a date to this place, although it is quite hard to get to because of the very steep mountain descent and ascent.

There was a "hidden waterfall", one that only appeared today because it was raining so hard. We took some pictures in front of that one too. There was also a sketchy metal bridge we went to and took a bunch of pictures there. Some parts of the bridge had gaps so you had to step over them. It was a very fragile looking and thin bridge, not really sure why it existed in the first place unless it was there before the road was. Because there is this easy road to get to the other side of the river with, and all the bridge did was go from one side to the next, but it was already possible to just walk or drive through it basically.

Anyway we started to head out, and the drive up was really scary because of how steep the hills were and how hard it was raining.

At the top we stopped and he showed me another secret spot, the top of one of the waterfalls we saw. So we passed by a few waterfalls on the way to the big pond, and this was the top of one of them. We hung out there for a while, took some pictures, recorded a song of him singing a song at the top, then started heading back.

On the way back to the supermarket, we drove by a flash flood. There was this hill that just had a giant amount of brown water gushing down, it was a flash flood. I parked by the side of the road and went out to take some pictures, like barely any pictures because it was raining so hard so it was hard to stay out for long. He took a picture of me posing in front of the flash flood too.

Anyway we eventually reach the supermarket and I drop him off, head back home.

Oh yeah throughout the trip I was sending pictures over to AJN. When I got back home, I sent some of the new photos we took today to Red. I also got an email from Lia and she was just expanding upon what she wanted to say earlier about me becoming the CTO and having co-ownership of VegPal. I really like Lia but she already said no to me romantically, which sucks. I think she's so amazing for what she's done. I sent her a longer email reply too. Red sent me a few messages and I chat with her for a bit, sharing the new photos.

Wahl also messaged me back yesterday and I messaged her back this morning. Riley read my messages on Wednesday but she hadn't responded, so I assume she's not interested anymore? Anyway I think Wahl is at the top of my list now. She messaged me her schedule for the next few months and she was basically going to be busy until May or June, so that's when we can date for the first time I guess, that's the plan now anyway. I am pretty thankful anyone is even interested in me, I think Wahl is a pretty amazing person too.

At home I just ate some beans and rice my dad prepared, and I ate a potato and two peanut butter sandwiches. This is pretty much everything I ate the whole day today. It is crazy simple and crazy cheap to be a vegan, way healthier, better for the planet and environment, way better ethically, so yeah I think it's in everyone's best interest to go vegan. People kill animals and eat their corpses for terrible reasons and if we really cared about animals and the planet, we would all stop for all the planet's benefits.

I am still really fat though from my random habits of eating lots of junk food. I would sometimes just eat entire bags of chips, several of them. I was pretty heavy since I was a child so I have this big habit of eating large amounts, but I’m getting better and lighter. With today’s hiking and barely eating anything I hope I lost some weight.

Anyway that was my day today, it was an amazingly fun day, took a bunch of photos, and had a blast.

Written by JustMegawatt

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