Feb. 28, 2022

firestorms of asphodelos

Not much to say about last week’s raiding. Silver and GANON couldn’t make it on Saturday. On Sunday, the re-clears went well (I got 39% on P1S due to a damage down on temperatures 2, and 33% on the hippo), but our Phoinix pulls did not. We were all just tired, I guess. We only saw fountains of fire once or twice, and we didn’t prog. On the plus side, we did great on darkfires! We can count to eight!

This week, our main event was the triumphant return of Dante, who is finally home from the salt mines. (Also, a personal best: 45% on P1S.) On Phoinix, we’ve figured out fountains of fire and executed it cleanly once, which was nice.

In sum: Fountains of fire spawn on the edge of the arena, starting either north-south or east-west, and propagating clockwise. It’s the healers’ job to stand in the fountains to prevent Phoinix from getting damage up stacks. Meanwhile, three pairs of smaller birds appear and charge at players (proximity charges). Tanks take the first pair, melees take the second pair, and ranged take the third pair. You drop your bird on one side of the arena and run to the other side before your bird charges at you. If you do it exactly right, you take 0 damage and your bird doesn’t hit and kill anyone else.

We made it through that mechanic a handful of times, so we got to see the next big thing: FIRESTORMS OF ASPHODELOS (great name for a band). numbers rolled tape, and much discussion ensued. I love how screenshots of this fight are just visually incomprehensible. It’s all fire, all the time. There are flame tornadoes and proteans and AoE tankbusters. In lieu of describing it myself, I'm going to post Dante's diagram, which is fairly self-explanatory.

After that, Phoinix tethers to the tornadoes, which we saw briefly via tank privilege. That’s when things get wild. mmm donuts

Written by Achaius

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