March 2, 2022

3 / 2 / 22

Why do so many professors drink diet coke in class?

Today I'm going to focus on turning in some late assignments WHILST staying on track of my current assignments. I have a paper I need to finish, and I need to study for a math exam on Thursday. Thursday is named after Thor (Thor's day).

The air on the way to class smelt like broccoli farts, which seemed to get stuck in my mask as I walked through it. I've been listening to a lot of true crime between my classes and during meal times. I used to listen to Crime Junkie, but I have recently switched to Rotten Mango. I find it interesting to listen to the same cases told by different people to see what they put most emphasis on. Overall, I would say that Crime Junkie focuses more on the chronological forensics and legal investigations (they also do a lot of fundraisers / support existing charity work for open missing persons cases and victims of crimes). Rotten Mango feels more like a conversation or story with a friend. I would recommend both.

HUM 124

I had to say the word "tiramisu" in class but idk how to say it in an american accent (I'm French). The prof asked me to repeat myself. Very embarrassing.

We are learning about Chuang Tzu in class today, particularly focusing on the meaning of life and what does "self" mean. We read about the K'un - a giant fish that turns into a giant bird (to be able to keep growing). Just like a teacup could not float a boat, the fish intuitively know there was a bigger context out there to exist in to be able to further grow. What is the difference between identity and self? Self has to do with your own perception of yourself. Identity is how others perceive you, and is impacted by how you present yourself. We do things to identify ourselves to others, hoping others will adopt our assertions of our identity into their perception of us (think cuffing your jeans in middle school before you come out). We're going to read about Epicurus next.

Some guy keeps trying to talk to me when I'm eating in the dining hall. It's obvious that I don't want to talk to him. I always have my headphones on, always avoid him, always respond with bland, monotone answers, or just don't answer at all. Bad news is that he says he takes 2 hours to eat. For every meal. The dining hall doesn't serve food in between meal times so I can't just go when he's not here. Right now I'm typing this pretending to be doing my schoolwork so I have an excuse to eat alone and listen to my podcast in peace. Fucking annoying. He literally sat next to me and kept asking questions that I would barely answer yesterday UNTIL THE DINING HALL CLOSED. I was waiting for him to leave but the hall closed first. He tried to walk with me to my dorm. I don't fucking want him to know where I live. I want to exist in peace. Also! He's obviously romantically interested in me (called me a "gorgeous girl"), but I'm obviously queer (nonbinary and bi). But more importantly - I'M FUCKING NOT INTERESTED IN HIM.

Written by ZED

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