March 3, 2022

Mask of many faces

I wonder how many people are living with multiple versions of their self, reflected back on the group they're with at the time. I just wonder how many people actually know which feeling inside is real, and which ones are masks. After wearing them for so long, who can say? Exhaustion comes at the end of every evening, with a strong desire for change and a fierce belief that the next day will be different. Then disappointment, knowing each evening before has had the same resolution, and the same failure to follow.

How do you ask for help when everyone you know already thinks you're being helped? When your ego is so tied up in making sure other people don't look bad, including yourself? How do you separate your needs from others and at what point is that type of separation necessary and appropriate? When does it cross the line into being self-centered and selfish? At what point do "self care" and "constantly thinking of others" collide? There has to be some sort of gray area that encompasses both, or else I will live every day of my life within a lie, and never be set free.

Written by bbhowdy

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