March 4, 2022

Done with exams!

I've been gone for quite a lot of days from here, well now that my exams are done I will continue with my schedule again.

This was my first semester end exam in college, I feel like I could've done better. I did not study like I should, but now it's over. I can only wait for the results now.

Meanwhile, (idk if I already said it) I deleted almost all of my social media. Right now I only have twitter account and that's it, am also going to delete my reddit accounts as I waste a lot of time on it looking at memes. Also I noticed that out of 230 or something followers I had, only 5 people noticed and messaged me, like that's how fake people on internet are. I didn't expect to get a lot of messages because I know that I don't talk to these people IRL that much, so it's good that now I know how many "friends" I really have.

I discovered that I am bad at interacting with people in person, and its cause might be that I mostly interact with people through a screen and hence only know how to chat and type the messages instead of talking. So I am doing this 100 interaction challenge from tomorrow, it's what a YouTube video advised me about so I don't know how much it works, but it seems promising. Basically you interact with at least 100 new people in one month, it can be as simple as asking for directions to someone, saying hi to new people at college, etc. I'll share some of my interactions here if they are somewhat interesting.

That's about it, see yea!

Written by 49asvk

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