March 7, 2022

mits, more like

Raid went well this weekend. We agreed that we’re “basically” progging enrage (we haven’t seen it yet, but we did see devouring brand 2), and our damage is high enough that we should be able to win with a clean run.

Next morning, HGR was poring over our fight log to determine our mitigation strategy. “Checking when KJH used Reprisal,” he said. (This is a mitigation with a 60-second cooldown.) “He first used it at 69 seconds.”

“Nice,” I said.

“Not nice. That means he missed a FREE use of Reprisal.”

“Well, maybe Luis is in charge of mitigating the first tankbuster,” I offered.

“I doubt it. I’m checking Luis next.”

A few minutes later: “Luis?!”

And: “I’m basically being trolled.”

[9:21 AM] HGR: here were our reprisals on our longest pull

[9:21 AM] HGR: kjh 1:09 4:40 7:09 8:30

[9:23 AM] HGR: luis 8:32 10:03

I’m learning so much about mitigations. HGR assures me that I’m not appreciating how serious this is. “I have to GCD heal the tanks!! You’re not supposed to have to GCD heal the tanks!”



  1. Darkfires (when the dots come out)
  2. Flames of Unbirth (adds phase, after the first adds die)
  3. Firestorms of Asphodelos *do not wildfire when you’re taking your spot for pies!!
  4. Life’s Agonies *use it when the castbar is HALFWAY
  5. (presumably raidwides at the end of the fight)

Written by Achaius

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