March 7, 2022




On 5th March, I went to watch a movie with my parents! The movie theatre we used to go before rona has been shut since like 2 years now. I guess it ran out of business because of the lockdown and because of the 50% capacity crap going on right now, they still haven't opened it. So we found a movie theatre in the old part of the town it's a little farther than one we used to go to. I had to cycle about 12 km total because we didn't book a taxi and my parents took the bike. I agreed to it because I used to cycle a lot before, so I wanted to test if I've still got it in me xD. I managed it but my legs were kinda f*cked after coming home, well for a short time but still. The road is not flat and there are lots of slopes so it was gonna happen. That said, now I want to start cycling more!

I enjoyed the movie very much as it was from my favorite director!

I didn't get much studying done after coming home, so I just finished the small amount if homework and called it a day.

6th March, Sunday, I started studying for my practical exam, yea the exam is still not over. Like just practical exam is remaining now. And after studying for some time, I started playing CS 1.6(warzone) after quite a lot of time! I mostly play on deathmatch respawn servers as I can play however I want in them. Now that I think of it I should've studied instead of wasting that time, because I gave wrong answers to some questions asked and now that's gonna cost me credit points TT.

I studied till 1 after dinner.

7th March, (today). I had put an alarm for 6 but because I slept at 1, I kinda turned it off and slept again. Woke up at 8, so I had 3 hours before my exam starts, and I did that. Did not have any time to shower so I just sat there and revised for 3 hours, but as I said, I still managed to get some answers wrong. And most of them were obvious silly mistakes, so I was very angry at myself.

And....I started playing CS 1.6 because of anger and yea that's that.

Started studying for next practical exam, am still doing it. It is 23:20 right now. I'll probably sleep at 1 again.

So yea that's all, see ya!

Written by 49asvk

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