March 7, 2022

Whew. So overwhelmed. Helped Finalize VegPal Pitch Deck

8:41 PM

Well I am like a week or more behind on my entries. I have to just write very quick summaries of my past days basically, because I don't remember them that well now.

4:28 AM (of Tuesday, March 8th 2022)

I just woke up recently. I fell asleep after feeling so overwhelmed looking at the all the VegPal source code. It's quite a lot and is quite intimidating. It doesn't seem like I even did that much today, but I had quite a long day.

So today is Monday, March 7th 2022 and I woke up at around 4 AM today. My mom was awake and preparing hot water in the kitchen being very loud making lots of noise. I am back in the States again as of Saturday night on March 5th 2022 and today is my second day here.

I did some stuff on the computer, I don't remember what exactly, but it was nothing unproductive. I haven't watched any anime or videos or did anything inappropriate or regretful since I got here.

At around 7 AM, my mom already left for work, and my dad and I went out to jog. I showed him this jogging route yesterday (Sunday) and was surprised yesterday how he has never gone down this one nearby trail after nearly 7 years of living here and walking by it so many times. Today though, we went down this jogging trail in the morning and that was fun. We jogged extremely slowly to keep my dad's pace, basically it's like zone 1 training for me, I'm estimating my heart rate didn't go above 130 bpm, but I wasn't wearing my Apple watch because it was out of battery and I didn't charge it last night. Anyway, that was fun and easy.

After that we went back home and took a break. I ate some Naked Lunch meal leftovers from yesterday. Food in the States is so cheap compared to Puerto Rico. I bought $40 worth of food from Naked Lunch, a vegan restaurant in Herndon, yesterday (Sunday) and that fed me and my dad during lunch, me, my dad, and my mom during dinner, and then that fed me and my dad for breakfast this morning, and there are still leftovers. I am someone that eats massively too, or else I wouldn't be overweight, and this was enough to last me and other people for a full day. Compare that to Puerto Rico and it depends on the restaurant, but sometimes I would spend $50 on entrees and I could finish that in 4 meals by myself, not with other people. Yeah, Naked Lunch gives out so much food, each of their menu items is only $9 but honestly each meal can last at least two meals per person, easily.

I think I did watch some videos while taking a break. Lia and I have been talking a lot since I got back in the States about VegPal and business. The discussions have shifted a lot, so much. I asked for some advice from a tax attorney and a CPA, they advised me one way, but I think I am ultimately gonna be a co-founder and CTO of VegPal. Things have been moving along pretty quickly, I had a meeting with her this morning and we discussed some more things.

I went out to GreenFare and Naked Lunch with my dad, got some food at those places then came back home. I ate a little bit of the food at home, but it was so much I didn't finish it.

5:03 AM (of Wednesday, March 9th 2022)

After that, I worked on the VegPal pitch deck for a bit and cited sources and basically completed it. Later on Lia and I would meet again to finalize the whole thing.

After the meeting she invited me to a bunch of the different repositories and other related accounts and that's when I felt a lot of overwhelm. It's been about a day since I was invited and I got to take a closer look at those things, and it's less intimidating now that I have worked on it a little more.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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