March 6, 2022

First Full Day Back in the States

5:52 AM (of Wednesday, March 9th 2022)

Today is Sunday, March 6th 2022 and it's my first full day back in the states. I woke up with full energy this morning and I went outside to experience the cool cold air. I walked outside for probably 2 hours this morning.

6:48 AM (of Thursday, March 10th 2022)

I went out to the nearby river, took some pictures, and went in after taking off my shoes, I didn't go all the way in, just to the middle of my calves basically. The water was freezing freezing cold. I mean the air outside was also freezing cold, everyone around me wore a heavy jacket. I was the crazy person who took off their shoes and was about to get into this freezing water. I couldn't last though, my feet froze too much as I got in, so I got back out shortly after and put on my shoes again.

It was a really exciting and energetic day for me, I was extremely vibrant and full of energy.

A lot of stuff happened, but I don't remember too much. Lia and I had a bunch of very close conversations the whole day since morning, we had a zoom a few times I think. She cried a few times. I sent her $750 to put into the Milked Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign and to see if we can get an investor. One of the executive producers of the film is the wife of an almost-billionaire, and they're both vegan, so the idea is we can pitch Vegpal to them because one of the perks of donating is you get to interview them, and maybe they can invest even just a teeny amount to help us out and our runway a bit more. I emailed them first if it was alright to pitch to them first of course, and they said sure.

We talked the whole day and night and it was fun and connecting. The emotions went up and down but I feel she felt much better overall after we talked a bunch.

That's pretty much all I remember from Sunday. I probably worked on Vegpal a bit today too. I don't really remember much else.

There was a Facebook post I made about being back in the States, and it got like 32 likes. That's more than 10% of my friend's list. I think text posts get a lot of attention, maybe? Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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