March 11, 2022

Now actually done with exams!

8 March, I was so happy!! I almost got full marks in maths practical exam! I don't know where they'll cut my marks but I guess I may have done some mistake but still it's almost full marks. Wayy better than my last exam.

After the exam I played a little bit of Counter-Strike again, to give myself a reward for doing great.

Started studying for next day's exam later on.

9 March, I think I got full marks again! This was the easiest of all practical, the teacher asked me easy questions for viva too so I was lucky about that. I actually need to understand the topic though, as the questions were easy but I still have many doubts about the whole subjects. So I'll keep on studying for that, because the next exam whenever it'll happen will definitely be an offline exam, so I need to better get the hang of all concepts in order to write about it on paper.

I played CS again, and found a great deathmatch server too! It's a German server apparently and I can get a lot of my aim practice done on it. Also I noticed that my aim is getting really good. Before My K:D was mostly negative but now I am getting more kills. It is mostly equal or sometimes positive too. I think I'll not get called a noob when I play competitive in other games like Valorant or CSGO. Like I never really played a lot of them but I remember getting called noob one or two times while playing Valorant. I think I'll start playing next year or whenever I upgrade my PC or get a laptop. Because right now I can't play well with 12-20 fps(yea I am using a potato pc right now)

10 March, today I had my last paper! Well technically yesterday as it's 11th march right now. There are two parts in electronics, Analog and Digital. We did not actually perform the practical as it's not possible in online mode. So the professor just asked us some questions orally and we had to answer. I did pretty good on the analog part, but I f*cked up a lot in the digital part. The teacher asked me some questions which I had no idea about, and told me to write truth table for half-subtractor which I got all of it wrong. I never actually looked at the truth table before, so I was not prepared at all. I don't know how they are gonna grade us though, because all the practical exams contain 35 marks(30 for performing the practical and 5 for viva). Because we did not perform the practical I think they'll just convert the 5 marks into 35 xD. Well whatever they do at least I passed it.

Now my only fear is the first practical exam, which was my main subject for my degree too. I got a lot of things wrong that day. Hopefully I get enough marks to pass the subject at least. The other three subjects I'll get above 90% in two and above 70-80% in electronics.

Also I played a lot of Counter-Strike today too! The German server is really really great! I was playing till 00:27 I guess. That's when I started typing this.

Well it's time to sleep. Goodnight!

I think that's about it, see yea!

Written by 49asvk

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