May 7, 2020

Do dailies is important, but this is more important..

Hello everyone…

For two day, I skipped this journal writing.

Lately I feel a lack of motivation, a few days ago I felt not very excited about finishing any dailies.

Talking about my current state, I understand that my priority is not only about finishing any dailies, but it’s about keeping motivation alive. 

So, when creating a dailies or habit there I must add a daily routine that can keep me focused and stay motivated. 

So there are two types of dailies. Dailies that can improve my life and dailies that can keep me motivated to finish any dailies.

Written by kangfarih

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Posted On May 08, 2020

I think motivation comes and goes. Music really helps me get motivated. I like Sia's Chandelier song, it motivates me to work and do hard things. Music is also really powerful when working out.

Posted On May 09, 2020

@JustMegawatt Yeah, you right.. and more powerful if added with Positive affirmation

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