March 11, 2022

Friday, Did A Lot More Work, Renewed Habitica Challenges

6:10 AM (of Monday, March 14th 2022)

Today is Friday, March 11th 2022 and today was another fun day. It's basically the same as yesterday (Thursday) but slightly different work tasks and stuff. Identical to yesterday basically, except I didn't run in the morning today. I only ran in the afternoon or evening with my dad.

In the morning, I think we had a meeting today and one of the developers showed me our process in deploying to the app store and play store, we recorded it. Then i worked on more things during the day, but I don't remember exactly what. Maybe the 10 to 5 hour change thing, yeah, that's likely what I worked on today.

I also texted Lia a bunch that morning, we texted a lot about the current dev team and its problems. I texted screenshots of some examples.

5:53 AM (of Tuesday, March 15th 2022)

I texted her a lot because I was feeling very elated from the night before. I woke up in the morning feeling like the happiest person. I probably should just keep that entry private since I wrote my heart out. Maybe it should be private for now, but I can make it public later. It's the same with all my private entries which I do have, I write a lot more personal details in those. Some I don't ever feel comfortable making public though, but those things will be irrelevant in time, just like how I felt last night, so I can make them public eventually.

The rest of the day, I worked on learning and making updates to the backend of Vegpal. That was a fun learning experience. I deployed some updates, played around with some things here and there, and so on. It was fun.

I renewed the Habitica challenges at around 1 or 2 PM. I was planning on doing them super early in the morning like at 5 or 6 AM when I was feeling elated, but I got caught up in some Slack conversations and I got hooked onto working on Vegpal stuff again.

There were also some items for NW that I tried to, but wasn't able to complete today. We kept running into some weird issues that shouldn't have been happening.

I paid the $5500 last night for a tax advisor and filled in some details, and also told him I was going to be uploading all my tax documents over the weekend. I didn't get to it over the weekend though. It's so much work. I'm so behind.

My dad and I ran outside again today, just jogging. It was alright weather, a bit cold, I wore a shirt and shorts again while everyone else outdoors including my dad wore a thick jacket, gloves, hat, pants, etc.

I think Lia and I had a zoom meeting again that night, maybe? Or not? I don't remember, but I'm leaning towards no. We talked a lot throughout the day though, that's for sure.

Written by JustMegawatt

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