March 12, 2022

Dad's Birthday, Ate at Loving Hut

6:20 AM (of Tuesday, March 15th 2022)

Today is Saturday, March 12th 2022 and it's my dad's birthday today. It snowed a lot in the morning today and it kept snowing throughout the day. There was a huge snow storm with everything being covered in snow and snow coming down from the skies. Unfortunately primarily due to animal agriculture and needlessly raising, killing, eating animals for food, which uses up the vast majority of our agriculture (around 80%), majority of our water resources, and a third of all worldwide land resources, we are making our planet warmer. Yeah animal agriculture is even worse for global warming than all forms of transportation combined, and it's entirely unnecessary, torturous, and cruel. So it's quite insanity and foolishness that anyone takes part in it. All this snow melted basically the next day, and by Monday there was no more snow anywhere, despite today covering everything up in snow.

I didn't eat anything in the morning today because I had an aunt and uncle that were coming with us to celebrate my dad's birthday at Loving Hut and I wanted to look at thin as possible. I still looked pretty fat in all the photos though, but whatever.

So I just did some Vegpal stuff in the morning probably, maybe talked to Lia a bit, and then eventually went out to Loving Hut with my parents. Loving Hut is a Vietnamese vegan restaurant in the area, we ordered a huge meal which my aunt and uncle paid for. They are the second wealthiest people in my entire family and moving to a new home again, a much bigger home, wow. This is like the 4th move they've had in under 10 years. I can't really say much though because my parents and I moved from an apartment to a condo in 2015, and then I moved to an apartment alone in 2021, and a few months later moved to a condo alone, so I moved just as much. But each time they moved, it was to a new house, while I haven't lived in a house in like 20 years.

We talked about a lot of stuff about them, such as how their kids were doing and everything. Not much about my dad or my mom or me. So I'm all caught up on how my cousins are doing I guess, they already know how I'm doing because I'm posting a lot of photos of me going to waterfalls, lakes, places like that, and my older aunts and uncles are always liking and posting on those, so I'm pretty sure they talk about me a lot. People always do, behind my back. I'm a very interesting topic of conversation I guess, I've heard it from some co-workers that yeah they talk about me a lot, and I was surprised to hear that at the time. I've heard it from a lot of other people though, so yeah, it's probably because I am eccentric.

A bunch of my cousins are moving to Colorado. I think there's one common main reason why any young person would want to move there, I mean I am not saying it's for sure this reason, this is just speculation, but it might be for weed. If I were to move there, it would be for skiing, but like, I don't want to go skiing all the time, because it would get boring after a while. My condo is 15 minutes driving from the beach in Puerto Rico, wow I can't believe I have kept saying I was 5 minutes away, but it's actually slightly further away than the airport, and the airport is 10 minutes away from me, so 15 minutes away is far more accurate. Anyway my condo is 15 minutes away from the beach, and I don't go there often, because it got really boring. Really boring. There's only so much fun and enchantment when you rarely go or haven't been to one in forever, but it's not that fun after going there for a while.

At home, I was supposed to work on sending my documents and stuff to my CPA so he could do my taxes, but I didn't. I got busy with other activities, probably working on Vegpal, but most of the time doing whatever else. I also didn't even go outside today because it was snowing heavily, so I don't really know what I did, I just know I wasted a lot of time today.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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