March 17, 2022

Went to Community Center Twice Yet Again, Did Some More Work and Taxes

6:42 AM (of Friday, March 18th 2022)

Today was pretty much identical to yesterday. My dad and I went much earlier to the community center in the morning though, at maybe 6:30 or 7 AM, or something around there. I just know it was super early. I just got on the fun treadmill again and did that for 30 minutes, and then I got on a stationary bike for another 30 minutes because I wanted to review some Vegpal code on my phone and it was hard to do that while walking, and then I got on the fun treadmill again for another 10 minutes, maybe 20 minutes?

Afterwards my dad and I went to Robek's to get some smoothies. At home I continued working on some Vegpal items. At around 11 my dad and I went to Naked Lunch and Greenfare again. Naked Lunch was open again finally, and we were able to get some vegan sushi bowls and a moler bowl. We don't need to kill and eat any animals. I ended up eating a lot today.

My dad and I have been listening to an audiobook this whole time, each time we drove since he visited me in Puerto Rico last month, and we finally finished it today on the drive back home I think. I don't feel comfortable sharing the book title or what the book was about, or I would share it here and completely write my thoughts on it. I have a lot of thoughts on it, but I can't even write about them freely. It's an interesting book, interesting main characters, I reflected a lot on the book and its ending, the fate of the characters. It's stuff to reflect on. What effect does their story have on my own life? That someone unordinary can end up doing something remarkable.

At home I think I just worked on more Vegpal stuff. I watched Silicon Valley in Spanish. I matched with someone new on Veggly again, just like yesterday. I do enjoy getting matches, but I feel like I am so fat and unattractive. People only see me for who I am right now, not who I could become. I am already pretty successful in my career and financially, like I own my own home outright and I bought it in cash, I can get pretty much whatever computer programming job I want including CTO for a company, and I am only 28 years old. I don't doubt my technical skills, I can do everything from front end, backend, server programming, database programming, etc, and I can think properly (enough to realize we don't need to kill and eat animals but not enough to control myself and discipline myself enough to get into a healthy weight). I can communicate really well too.

I'm doing pretty well but I am just really fat, overweight, and so unattractive. I can become someone extremely attractive once I lose the weight, and yet women only see me as an overweight, fat slob guy and stereotype me as someone who can't do anything but sit around and be fat, even though I am active and exercise for at least an hour a day, I just end up out eating myself. I burn what, like 500 calories an hour of exercising? I would easily out eat that with junk food. Also I realize I am not really that fat and that overweight, but I say that about myself because that's how I feel about myself. That I am a super fat fatso fatty fat fat, even though I'm not really that fat. I just really really hate being fat. I need to fast for another two weeks again.

I submitted some more tax documents today. There was this one tax document that I saw that instantly made me lose my mind. I have no idea how I would let something like this get me all riled up, but I became exasperated as soon as I read the contents. I did some calculations a bit later though and they all added up just fine so the document was correct, but I was so angered thinking they did this wrong. It wasn't really a small deal either though, this detail could have ruined me basically, and I was so flabbergasted, I looked at the paper and I literally screamed like "wtf!!" and I kinda just like lost my mind and threw the paper, I punched my bed angrily, and I was starting to write up some angry emails. Then I calmed down a little and did the calculations, okay, they do make sense, okay, and then I stopped caring about it.

People would have no idea what just happened if they observed that entire event. But yeah this was insane. There has not been any other time in my life when I lost control like that, but if this was in error, this could have potentially been a huge deal. Anyway, all good I think.

Then my dad and I went to the community center again. I did power walking laps around the track for an hour. I only did it for that long because around 10-20 minutes of power walking, I arbitrarily picked two people that just joined the track, and I arbitrarily agreed to myself that I would not leave the track before they did. Well they walked for like 20 minutes, and then they sat down. To me, I counted them as technically still being on the track, so I kept walking. Eventually, finally, like after another 20 minutes, they stood up and exited the track. I was like, finally! I was able to exit the track now too, and it turns out they stayed the longest out of everyone else. We were basically the last ones there, except for newer people just joining. I burned my feet through that entire power walking ordeal, and I have some blisters forming on my soles now. Annoying.

At home I had a meeting with Lia again discussing me joining Vegpal as the technical co-founder and head of engineering, that would be my title. I haven't accepted anything yet. I still enjoy just working on their app and system for free and for fun, because it's fun, and I am learning a lot. Before deciding anything I need the actual contract and I would send that to a CPA and a Tax Attorney first to see if it was a fair agreement and appropriate for me.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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