March 18, 2022

Another repeat of the past two days but it's Friday

5:41 AM (of Saturday March 19th 2022)

Today is Friday, March 18th 2022 and I woke up maybe at around 5 or 6 AM. I did my daily photos, caught up on my journal entry for yesterday, and yeah. I wrote some 18+ content in yesterday's (Thurday's) entry and then deleted it after. Only one person saw it, I'm not sure who, but it only had one view. It's probably too inappropriate and distasteful to ever mention again, even with the 18+ maturity rating. Even mentioning it again feels kinda weird.

Anyway, I went to the gym again with my dad after writing the new journal entry. I finished the journal entry before 8 AM, maybe like 7:40 AM or something, and we went to the gym. I got on the fun treadmill for an hour, 60 minutes. The fun treadmill is this weird elongated U shaped treadmill if viewed from the side, like a cross between a flat plane like _ and a U, closer to the _ though, and that's the shape of the treadmill. I love this treadmill, it's my favorite one to go on. Then that was it. I didn't listen to any audio or anything, I just walked on this treadmill monotonously for a bit over 60 minutes.

Afterwards I went home and had a meeting with the Vegpal team. There was this one problem we had to solve right away, so I got to work on that. I didn't work 100% on it the entire time, like I had work for NW as well and I watched some Silicon Valley in Spanish, I did take a nap too, I ate too, but I'd say most of my time and personal thoughts were thinking about this issue. I actually couldn't see myself solving it, but somehow, I was able to get it at the end of the day. Before that though, my dad and I went to Costco and bought Turbo Tax and a bunch of food, he wore a vegan shirt. After that we dropped off the food at home, I actually also took a break and watched Silicon Valley in Spanish again for a bit, and ate some of the food we bought.

Then we went out to the gym again. I got on the fun treadmill again for 10 minutes, and then I just started doing strength workouts. I really need to lose a lot of weight though. It turns out there was a scale here, and I got on it and weighed 194 pounds. Of course I had my big iPhone 13 Pro Max in my pocket, my keys, airpod pros, all the food I ate that day still in my stomach, all the water I drank throughout the day, my shoes, and so on, so it's not the same as weighing myself at home in the morning with an empty stomach and only wearing underwear and a shirt. Still, this weight was concerning to me.

When we got home, I resumed where I was in the issue. Before leaving home for Costco, I was able to get debugging for one of the components of Vegpal to worklocally on my computer. There was one more component I had to get to debug, so that's what I worked on when I got home. Somehow I was able to figure that out, and then the next thing I worked on was debugging and fixing this issue. Well, I didn't have to do much more than that, apparently the updates I made earlier already fixed the issues we were having, so debugging just let me test and learn that. So I pushed the updates out and yeah the entire thing works better now and solved that one huge problem we had. Awesome.

That was my entire day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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