March 19, 2022

Walked 100 Minutes on a Treadmill, Got More Work Done, Went to the Mall, Selfie

5:46 AM (of Sunday, March 20th 2022)

Today is Saturday, March 19th 2022 and it was a nice day today. I don't think I've had a bad day since I've been in the States so far, and by a bad day I mean one day that I considered wasteful or unproductive. It's weird, I would have some days in PR where I would literally just not be doing anything for the whole day, but so far, not here in the U.S. Every day since I've signed up for the recreational center membership I've been going at least once a day (most days twice a day) with my dad. I consider that very productive.

6:11 AM (of Monday, March 21st 2022)

And I've also had work with Vegpal and my own company and taxes to work on, so there's never been a non-busy day lately.

Yeah the U.S. is fun. It's kind of boring here too. I forgot to write about this, but yesterday (Friday) there was a murder in my neighborhood. This entire section of the condominium complex was closed since morning until night time, and at around 5 or 6 PM there were camera crews all over. I knew it was closed since morning because my dad and I went to the gym early and when my dad and I left that evening (5 or 6 PM) for whatever, the road was still closed off. I don't get why one person would kill another, but I also don't understand why humans kill and eat animals when it's entirely unnecessary.

This morning my dad and I went to the recreational center again. The timer on this treadmill only has 4 digits, it was formatted like this "10:10" and when you get on for the first second I think it shows "00:01". I reached 60 minutes yesterday (Friday) and I had this idea, what would happen if I went for 100 minutes? Would the machine start over? Would it just automatically stop? So I walked for 100 minutes today to try and learn what would happen, and what ended up happening is it got rid of the colon ":" and put in a decimal period for the last digit. It became "100.0" and every 10 seconds it would go up by .1 until it reached .6, and then the minute timer would go up by one, to 101.0 from 100.5.

Another curiosity to me was reaching 111.1, because it would be cool to have all the numbers same, but I didn't. I got off the treadmill at around 102 minutes and changed clothes and left. It was extremely boring walking that whole time. I did not listen to any music or audiobook or anything during that whole period by the way. That entire time, I was just walking the whole time with only my thoughts to myself. I thought I would at least receive some new message or like from a girl or something, but I didn't get anything the whole time I walked, no new notifications for anything. It was kinda sad feeling, but I got this exercise in, so I felt good, whatever.

At home I probably got on some Vegpal meetings again. Discussed some stuff, I fixed some issues.

In the evening my parents and I went out to some places. We went out to Wal-Mart and bought some food, all vegan obviously since there's no need to buy any any food with any sort of animal products and doing so is harmful and destructive. Afterwards we went out to the mall, and just went around a bunch of stores, it was alright. At one point we went to a JC Penny and I took some photos of myself in front of a mirror while my mom was looking at clothing.

This is me in the selife. I don't look fat but I am 40 pounds overweight and really need to lose a lot of weight. It is annoying that I look pretty much alright even though I have an obese BMI and weigh a lot more than I should. I hate being overweight. Also from the side I have a pretty big stomach so I need to lose weight to flatten everything. My weight is somehow distributed evenly throughout my body so I don't look too big in one area, but I know I have a giant stomach and big thighs even if it's not so visible.

There is just so much fat all around my body. I just weigh a lot and it's not fun. My appearance will improve so dramatically if I just drop the weight. Also when a thin person stands next to me, then it becomes obvious I weigh a ton more, because they actually look normal weight and I just look very heavy in comparison. I am looking to lose 40 pounds so I can wear better clothes that look fine on me, attract women, take new pictures in new places and look better, and be faster and more agile. I mainly want to lose weight to look better and attract women.

I have memories of in 2017 when I looked my best. I looked really fat from maybe 10 years old until I was 23 that year I believe. I was already vegan for 4 years at that point, and I was still obese for like the first 3 years of it. Then came 2016 and I started to work out and exercise daily and I watched how much I ate, I dropped the weight. In 2017 I would say I was my most attractive, I was still actually 20 pounds overweight, but I already looked pretty decent. I noticed a lot of attention from women in real life, including one time a random woman I had never met before came up to me as I was walking around my neighborhood and she looked really into me by how she was behaving, randomly talking to me and smiling and laughing, and I was like, this is weird but nice. She told me where she lived too and she was really attractive herself, but I never visited her or even saw her again after that.

I have other stories like that too. So yeah I would say, I really want to lose weight and become attractive again. That would be so cool. I just loved looking good, it was such an amazing feeling. I just want to look somewhat attractive again, that's pretty much mainly it.

At home I think I just did some more work or maybe I watched Silicon Valley in Spanish again. I have seen that show a bunch of times from beginning to end, multiple times in English and it is my favorite show. An exalted friend from 2015 showed that to me back when the show was still in Season 1. I haven't talked to him or even heard of him since 2017 probably, but he carries on in my mind as a legend. He told me a lot of stories that I could relate to because we both experienced it. He has an uncle that sold his company to Twitter for tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars, I don't remember, but his uncle was super successful, so I suggested he talks to his uncle for help in his career, and he did. Anyway I love that guy, he still carries on as a legend to me, but honestly the reasons I revere him as a legend are also reasons that apply directly to me too, but I can never share those reasons.

Have I met anyone else I can revere as much as him, based on the reasons why I revere him? Nope. The stories we shared were kind of a big deal, that only we could relate to. I miss 2015. But you know what? I can work on making me miss 2022 and 2023. I can work on making these years so good and so nice that I will miss my time living through them. This year has already been pretty amazing, so much so that I think I will reminisce on these years eventually.

Well let's just say that as I am living through these years now, they're not all that great. I would say that when I was living through 2015 as well, that it wasn't that great. I walked to work every morning, which was a 50 minute walk. I also walked back home which was another 50 minutes. I had no security, I had less than $1000 in the bank at all times the entire year I think. It was a stressful and uncertain time. It's so weird how I look back to those years with so much reverence though, that I want to live through those years again, but would I really want to? I also talked to a lot of women at the time, some of them have been married now, one of them contacted me again a few days ago. What a year that was.

It is kinda scary how much knowledge and potential I had at the time. Looking back even back then, I was more knowledgeable than pretty much all my peers in computers, but I had a lowly position, and this was my first job, so my confidence was low. I really sell myself short often. Even right now, probably.

Anyway that was my day today I think. At night I probably had another meeting with Lia again, since we have one ever night basically. Oh wait, yeah I remember we had one. I'm also behind on a bunch of journal entries, it's depressing to think about.

Written by JustMegawatt

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