March 20, 2022

Went on the Treadmill for another 100 minutes, went to Burlington, Solved a Problem

7:34 AM (of Monday, March 21st 2022)

Today is Sunday, March 20th 2022 and it was a fabulous day today. I fixed a serious problem for Vegpal either yesterday or the day before, and listed out some other potential problems in a document this morning, I shared them with the rest of the team. Afterwards my dad and I went to the recreational center again, and I planned on doing another 100 minutes on the treadmill again.

Instead of only walking this time though, I also jogged, I ran, and I even sprinted in some occasions. In my opinion the time went by a lot faster because I was doing these other activities. At the end of 100 minutes though, I had traveled the same amount of distance as yesterday. What the? Yesterday on the treadmill I walked for 100 minutes and I traveled 6.17 miles according to the treadmill. Today I walked, but in addition, I also jogged, I ran, and I sprinted. I think I would say I spent 50 minutes walking, 40 minutes jogging, and 10 minutes running / sprinting. It is weird how I still ended up traveling the same amount of distance despite being more effortful and faster at times.

The rest of the day went by pretty normally. We transferred over our work accounts and other things for Vegpal over to new accounts managed by Google, and that was fun. We also went over that document I created today, and they said these items were to be priority.

I ate as little as I could today, which was still around 2600 calories. It was still a lot, but I consciously tried to reduce my calories today as much as possible, even though it's still quite a lot. I need to lose weight.

My parents and I went to Burlington today. It was kind of boring. I bought some socks and some underwear. My mom bought a wide range of clothes.

At home I deployed this new update that would fix some Vegpal issues to production and we all tested and it was working fine. Amazing.

Lia and I had another meeting that night. She apologized for hurting me on Tuesday when she said we had to keep things strictly platonic and business. Her bringing it up again just reminded me and hurt me a lot again too, and I cried a little before going to sleep again.

I would write more but if I'm being honest, I am kinda tired. I think it's this keyboard I'm typing on or something, but it's not fun to type on. It sucks. Or, I don't know what the problem is. I just don't feel like writing that much more. Maybe it's because I wrote a bunch in yesterday's entry, or I don't know.

Written by JustMegawatt

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