March 21, 2022

Treadmill for 120 minutes, Did Work, Went to Park, Drove Around, Bought Tickets to Boston

7:40 AM (of Tuesday, March 22nd 2022)

Today is Monday, March 21st 2022 and it was a very productive day today. It has had lots of ups and downs.

10:23 AM (of Tuesday, March 22nd 2022)

At night today (Monday, March 21st) I used a coin flip app to decide some choices. This extended to the next day, Tuesday, March 22nd in which I asked it whether I should write this entry while walking on the treadmill, hence that’s what I’m doing. I’m writing this while walking on a treadmill. I hope I don’t fall.

Anyway today (Monday) was a busy day. I did pretty much all work in the morning, writing my journal entries for the past few days. I also renewed the Habitica challenges. Afterwards I went to the recreational center with my dad where I went on the treadmill for 120 minutes, jogging for probably 80 minutes of that. It’s weird, my power walking day the first day I did 100 minutes, the machine that day said I travelled a longer distance than today at the 100 minute mark, which is so weird because I jogged for the majority of today. I think the difficulty setting on the treadmill affects distance in some way.

At home I worked a little and ate a lot, all vegan obviously since no one needs to kill any animals and eat them. At around 4 pm my dad and I walked down to the river nearby. Across the river is Maryland. There were a bunch of people on canoe boats going around. Maybe I can swim across this river one day?

Afterwards I drove around some places. All the buildings and layout here is so modern and beautiful. Everything looks so freaking amazing and clean and modern. I would’ve taken some pictures but I was driving. Suffice it to say, everything here is top notch.

At home I just continued to work on VegPal stuff. There is this big issue I found and I’m working on fixing it, I found a solution today. I also worked on an item for NW and had a quick meeting with them about it.

At night Lia and I had a development meeting again. I went over all the development stuff. We scheduled that I would visit her for a few days next month, because I wanted to check out the Boston area. I ordered tickets for April 2nd until April 5th, she didn’t want me to stay too long.

I guess that was it. The audiobook my dad and I started after the previous one ended is Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson. Steve is pretty much another normal guy, brilliant, but normal, just like me. He lived a pretty ordinary life just going through the motions. He also did not know the future, just like me. He has his share of vulnerabilities and concerns.

i would have written more but I’m writing this on my phone as I walk on a treadmill and it’s kinda cumbersome to do. It’s kinda irky to do I guess, I mean it’s not hard, but I’d rather have my arms swinging on my sides rather than in front of me typing some text like right now. Yeah, it’s not hard, but it is distracting and inconvenient.

Written by JustMegawatt

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