March 23, 2022

Was waiting for laptop and it was raining so stayed indoors whole day

9:26 AM (of Thursday, March 24th 2022)

Today is Wednesday, March 23rd 2022 and it was a rest day basically, I didn’t go outside the whole day today. I ordered a new laptop yesterday and it was expected to arrive today, the time range being from 8 AM until 8 PM, so I couldn’t leave. I suggested my dad and I could take turns staying at home while one of us went outdoors and he agreed, but it was also raining today, so we just stayed at home the whole day.

I am writing this entry while walking on a treadmill again. Yes the coin flip told me to.

I woke up pretty early at 5 AM. I pretty much only worked on VegPal stuff the entire day basically. Lots and lots of stuff. This is a lot of fun. I’m having a lot of fun.

If you look at the text messages between AJN and I, it’s a lot of numbers. She would text me anytime she’s looking at the clock and the digits are repeating, most commonly at 11:11. So she would just text me “11:11” and I would text back whenever I read it, it could be “11:11” or if I read it at 2 PM I would text back “200” since I usually text the numbers without the colons. I sometimes search up these numbers and their meanings and I use it as a way to sort of tell my fortune.

Today I got the numbers 1116, 1118, and 1119. Sometimes she would also text me back when she reads the text, so if I texted back “1115” she might text me back “1116” later. Anyway, I got these numbers today. I mean I got a lot of other numbers today too, but these were the ones whose meanings I looked up.

in summary, it told me things like I should focus on improving my intelligence and that I didn’t have to do serious physical training (like me wanting to run a half marathon this upcoming Saturday) to attract a partner. It also told me a hobby of mine was going to be making me a fortune. It also said something like I was right to do things without any tangible benefits because it’ll work out soon. I can just load up the pages and quote these directly. it’s so weird how they line up with my current thoughts about my life.

“If you see angel number 1116, the message relates to the field of relationships and hobbies and says that You acted wisely having opened your soul to the world, having ceased to demand visible and tangible benefits from it. From now on, nothing will prevent you from doing only what your heart draws you to. You may come across minor disappointments and big trouble on the chosen path. But there will be much more joy and happiness anyway. This is the indefeasible law of the universe, which you must faithfully believe in.”

“If you see angel number 1118, the message relates to the field of relationships and personality development and says that Actions taken for the purpose of self- improvement can lead to solving your problems on a personal level. There is no need to go to unnecessary trainings and look out over your glasses in search of a potential spouse. Try to actually improve your intellectual level, and you will have a much more real chance of success.”

“If you see angel number 1119, the message relates to the field of creativity and hobbies and says that Very soon you will have an opportunity to make money on your hobby. Take this with due seriousness and try to use the chance to change your life to the maximum After all, if everything works out, you will have a job that you can give yourself up to entirely, with joy and passion. Not everyone succeeds in it.”

When I am uncertain about life and things, then I use these numbers to help me out and divine some sort of cosmic advice for me. And I find it weird they often line up and are relatable with my current situation. The training thing is super specific too, like if I didn’t plan on running a marathon or if I wasn’t working out so much every day, then I wouldn’t have been able to relate. Also, a hobby of mine getting income, that’s probably my work with Vegpal, and it is actually a career I do enjoy. And the relationship thing, yeah I am single, like if I wasn’t then that wouldn’t have applied to me at all. If I read this last year, I probably wouldn’t have thought about it much.

My new laptop arrived at like 6 PM or something. My mom was already home. My dad and I stayed at home all day for nothing. I opened up my new laptop and just verified the specs were correct. It’s a 14 inch laptop with 32gb ram, 1TB nvme ssd, graphics card with 4gb ram, and 11th gen i7 processor.

You know what sucks though, the fan turned on pretty much instantly and it was so loud. My MacBooks are so thin and quiet and are a lot faster than this machine, Apple I think is superior in the hardware category in every way, but their operating system is a bit limiting for some use cases, so that why I’m installing a Linux on this machine. It’s for my organizational use. I’m gonna use it to track everything on eMacs orgmode and other software, that I understand are also available on macOS, but I have other use cases too where Linux is pretty much required.

This whole day was dedicated to vegpal basically. Sure I also did some taxes and I watched some anime (barely, because I think anime is a waste of time) but it was mainly all vegpal.

Wahl finally messaged me again today after like nearly two weeks. It’s been a while since she messaged back and it was after I messaged her about wanting to meet her to date. Anyway she said she’ll reply in the morning, so I don’t know what’s up with that. I hope it’s a good message and isn’t like “sorry I am not interested blah blah blah” which I really dislike a lot and gets me to think there’s something personally wrong with me.

So I work on improving my appearance, since I am obese and it’s the last thing I can blame. I mean women talk to me for a while so I don’t think it’s my personality, and my career and income are well above average, and I’m not short, so my fat appearance I think is the last thing I can blame and improve. If it’s my race, I can’t do anything about that, and I don’t blame anything on things I can’t change.

Anyway what else is there to say about today? I put online my first versions of Vegpal on the iOS and Android store ready for deployment. It’s not deployed yet, but I uploaded the app bundle files to the play store and the arm64 archive to TestFlight. Just need to test it, and I was ready to send out for review tonight, but Lia was failing some tests so we held off. No rush anyway.

Even though I’m writing this on a treadmill, I’m having fun. I’m 70 minutes into my walk and it’s 10:11. I just texted AJN “1111” because it’s 11:11 in Puerto Rico while it’s 10:11 here, I think. Or maybe with daylight savings time it’s now the same time. Whatever.

Yeah today was alright. I am so lonely but whatever. That’s like my only issue in life really. Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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