March 24, 2022

Did so much, no stopping

8:19 AM (of Friday, March 25th 2022)

Today is Thursday, March 24th 2022 and I did so freaking much today. Omg. I have a development team I manage at Vegpal app and they are in a different time zone, so I woke up at around 5 AM and started just doing stuff related to that work. Before going to sleep I told them what the priorities were, and then I woke up and read their updates and messages, they asked some questions here and there so I answered them here and there. I updated them with my own things I was working on, and yeah. Then I think I worked a bit more on the stuff I was working on, it was mainly related to a new deployment today.

Then I went to the recreational center with my dad at 8 AM, I coin flipped to decide the time, and I did 110 push ups, and I walked on the treadmill for over 70 minutes. It was because I was writing yesterday's entry while walking on the treadmill, so it took me a while to do that. I made a rule that I could only start writing my entry after 20 minutes on the treadmill, so I had to walk for 20 minutes first and I was super annoyed because the time felt like it moved so slowly. The first 20 minutes always feel like the longest, and then the time starts to feel shorter and shorter as the time goes on.

So I got back home and continued more work on the Vegpal stuff. I was also working on setting up my yet another new computer with a new operating system. The whole day I kept trying to format this one USB flash drive and burning the ISO image onto it and trying to install it and it wouldn't start up. I got this email at around 11 AM that there was a package delivery coming today, I was expecting it on Monday, but if it arrived today that would be better. So I usually would walk and/or jog to the nearby river with my dad at around 4 PM every day, but because of these packages having a large range of arrival time, we needed to stay at home, or at least one person did. Anyway that package arrived at like 5 PM, and then my dad and I went out to look for a new flash drive.

I read online somewhere that you had to use an 8gb or under flash drive for certain operating systems. I can't find that source anymore, but my dad and I went to Office Depot, Five Below, Best Buy, and Wal-Mart, looking for any USB flash drive that had 8gb or less, and there weren't any. None. Anyway it wasn't the flash drive that was the issue, I found out the next day (Friday, the day I'm writing this), that it was because "Secure Boot" was enabled, and it only allowed Windows to run or something like that. So I disabled it the next day and was able to install it.

Anyway, before all that though, at home at around 12 PM, I also did some arm curls with 15 pounds. I would do 20 reps with each arm and then take a break. These are the heaviest weights I have at my parent's home, so that's all I could do. I don't think they're too heavy, but they are at the right weight for me. With enough reps, I can make my arms very sore, which is a good thing, and my arms got sore the next day.

The rest of the day I did some work between Vegpal and NW. On the back of my mind, I also thought about taxes and filing them. I took my daily photos of the day with my dad. I just did a lot of work today. It's kind of hard to recall every single thing I did the next day, especially because it's all computer stuff and I kept jumping from one thing to another, and I don't want to write that much detail anyway, but yeah I did a lot.

Then at around 6 PM, my dad and I went out to the park. Oh wait, before that though, we checked out my condominium's gym. It's got everything anyone would ever need to work out, it has a treadmill, an elliptical, some dumbells, a pull up bar along with that "full body workout" weight machine thing it's attached to, a workout bench, and a stationary bike. He walked the whole time while I jogged, and I would jog far ahead, reach the end, turn around, and so on, and repeated it. It's been a long long long long time since I jogged outside on the concrete. I jogged a few times with my dad last week out in the trails. I admit, this was fun. I really pushed myself instead of running only in Zone 2.

At home I did some more work, testing Vegpal and so on. I wrote up the final descriptions, and sent them out for review. These apps have to be reviewed by the Apple App Store Team and the Google Play Store Team before being approved, but yeah, I sent them out for review today. I had a meeting with Lia at night and we just talked about a lot of work stuff. Tomorrow should be a big day. I have a deployment with NW coming up, and PBN is doing a news article and post on Vegpal, so a bunch of new users should be coming in. Omg.

Anyway all this stuff is exciting, but very busy. I had almost a tantrum today because I felt like everyone is here to take advantage of me. I have to pay $5500 for my personal taxes this year and this CPA wants another $2500 for doing my business taxes. Omg. I still have to do a lot with that. It's nowhere near done. I might probably have to hire a tax attorney for another $2500. Omg. And my dad kept nagging me for some money today, omg. I already gave him a large amount last year to help pay off his debts, and he wants more to pay off his debts. This is too much for me, why the f do I have to provide for everyone around me. And then Lia kept telling me to do stuff. Omg. And then NW texted me because they needed me to do something right away. Omg. I feel like the higher the net worth, the more expensive problems one has, and I try to live as cheaply as possible, but wtf, I feel like I have a lot of hounds coming after me and my resources and my time and my skills and my knowledge.

This is just scratching the surface with all I have to deal with. I signed up for a university course this term too, and it's starting up in a week or two or so. Not that I really care about a university education at this point, my skills and experience far outweigh pretty much anyone at the undergraduate level, and maybe graduate level, maybe, I mean we have different specialties. They would know more theory and be way better in that regard, but I'd know more practical skills, and be better in that regard, so it's not so easy to compare. Also I have two companies I fully own, Megawatt Apps, and Stealth Launch, like, these companies are both in the back of my mind at all times. Like wtf.

And then I have to keep everything organized. I have to clean my room. I have 6 laptops in my room open as I type this, each laptop I use and they are all high end since I had experience with sub-par laptops before and decided never again buy anything that wasn't high end or maxed out. I opened up one of my old laptops last night from 2012 and it had a lot of old pictures. It has pictures from 2017 and it has pictures from when I was a kid. I was pretty good looking in 2016/2017, very attractive. I weighed like probably 10-20 pounds less than I currently weigh today. I think even 5 pounds makes a huge difference in appearance, so if I want to look good again, I have to lose 10-20 pounds.

Oh, the awesome thing is that tonight Wahl would send me a message and she's down to go dating and stuff like that. I'm so happy. I wouldn't read this until the next day though. I put my phone away tonight feeling pretty bad because she didn't reply to me the whole day, and I was fine with that, but I just felt sad feeling like I would get rejected again. She replied at like 11:21 PM and I guess I was already asleep at that time.

Today was a day. I can go into so much detail. But I think I would have to write the journal entries the same day to really write about the most details. One thing is for certain, I am having the time of my life right now. It's fun, yes. But stressful, yes. Eventful, yes. But it's the time of my life.

Written by JustMegawatt

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