March 31, 2022

Last day of March

10:40 AM (of Sunday, April 2nd 2022)

Today is Thursday, March 31st 2022 and because it's been a while, I don't remember much of today. I have to take a look at some pictures from today to get a clearer picture of what happened. Oh yeah, I remember today. I did a bunch of strength workouts today at the recreational center. AJN texted me before that that she wanted to start fasting again, so I said let's start tomorrow. So I ate a lot today because of that.

What else happened? I don't remember much but I probably worked on a bunch of Vegpal stuff in the morning. Yeah that was my day today. A lot of things probably happened, I probably had a lot of thoughts and things, but because I didn't write this entry the day it happened, I don't remember much of it.

Written by JustMegawatt

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