April 3, 2022

Pseudofasting Day 3

8:42 AM (of Monday, April 4th 2022)

Today is Sunday, April 3rd 2022 and it's the weekend. I wanted to spend today catching up on my journal entries and work on my taxes, so that's what I did today. Well, I didn't work on my taxes at all, but I caught up on my journal entries that I've been behind on for the past week, that was a major thing I completed. Procrastination is not great, and it's so easy to overcome, and yet I failed my journal entries for this entire week. I did catch up on them today though, so that was a good thing, but I didn't recall too many of my days that well, so I couldn't write in much detail about them.

Other than the journal entries, I also walked outside for a bit today with my dad. The wind was cold and chilly, and it blew pretty hard. I still walked outside with just a shirt though, I could have worn shorts, but I actually did put on pants instead. I also wore a jacket outside initially, and only took it off after walking already for a bit. Everyone else around us wore a winter jacket and pants, and I was the only person walking around in a t-shirt.

I was supposed to be fasting today too, but my coin flip told me to eat today. I was also going to post my photos from GMU that I took yesterday on Facebook today, but my coin flip told me to do it tomorrow (Monday) instead. So that's why I called today pseudofasting, because AJN is fasting, and I'm not going to tell her that I ate today. I ate a little bit today.

Oh yeah, I also worked out today. I did 100 push ups, and I did a bit of planking, and I did arm curls until my arms were sore. It took like 100 reps or more from each arm doing 15 pound curls to get my arms sore where I couldn't lift the weight anymore. And then a few moments later after eating, they weren't sore and I could probably lift 15 pounds with one arm again, but I didn't try. It's very hard to feel sore as a vegan, it just doesn't happen no matter what workouts I do, no matter how hard I train, vegan recovery is just exceptionally fast. My dad is 65 and he feels the same way, that's why for the past week we have been working out daily and even though he's an older man, he doesn't feel sore working out.

I have a friend that is younger than me that works out every other day, because he feels sore the next day after his workouts. I trained with him a few times and I literally couldn't feel anything the next day doing the same workouts, doing the same weights.

The 100 push ups felt a lot easier now. I think it's a combination of getting lighter and getting stronger that I can do 10 push ups much more easily now. It's still annoying to do so many, but it's much easier now.

The rest of the day I didn't do much else. I watched some videos and anime and that was it. I know it was a waste of time and I could have worked on my finances and taxes instead, but I didn't.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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