April 5, 2022

Interviewed 3 People, Very Busy and Exhausting Day, Almost Made it Fasting Day 5

9:30 PM

I am challenged. I shouldn't have eaten today. Also I have to work on my finances and taxes and I haven't yet. They're due so soon. Wtf am I doing. I spent the whole day working on Vegpal stuff. I interviewed 3 people with Lia and I was in a 4th meeting with other team members. We launched our crowd funding campaign today and I worked on a bunch of technical issues. Wtf.

Today was super tiring. I fasted basically the whole day today. In the morning, my dad and I went to the recreational center, and I jogged for 60 minutes, walked for 20 minutes. The rest of the day I worked on Vegpal stuff and I am so exhausted. Wtf. I need to finish my finances and taxes but I am so occupied. Actually, right now I have free time, because I am writing this entry, but I'm not working on my finances and taxes. Arguably I had several hours free where I could have worked on those things, but I didn't. I didn't do that this weekend when I spent like 5 hours over at GMU driving there and walking around.

So it's really my fault. My team members are responsible. Everyone else is responsible. I'm not. It's just so exhausting.

In the evening, even though I coin flipped today and it told me to continue fasting, I relented. I regret it so much. I ate a bunch of food. Today is my lightest day I have been here in Virginia so far this year. It might be the lightest I have been all year, but I'm not sure. I don't think so, but probably very close. I was 183 pounds my lightest this year, and I think at my lightest today, I was probably around 185 pounds, maybe 186 pounds. I am estimating this based on my appearance only, not that I stepped on any accurate physical scale. There is a scale here at home, but it's not accurate. It says I'm 195 pounds today, but it's way off, maybe by 10 pounds compared to an accurate digital scale, so I should be 185 pounds I guess.

Anyway the interviews are fun and exhausting. Lia and I are interviewing interns to have them come on board our team. It's very exhausting. We basically say the same thing to each candidate, but with some slight differences. It's quite exhausting. I am just exhausted, that's why I keep saying that word. Afterwards we email them or I email them, and keep in touch, and yeah, it's exhausting. Each candidate we interviewed was interested in joining Vegpal so that was great.

I logged into my personal work computer for Stealth Launch today just to review some emails, and there were none. I signed off my hours for one of my contractors for the latter half of last month. I procrastinated on doing this too, it was due last week on Friday.

I paid off my bills today. I just signed onto my electric company website, my water company website, my Internet company website, and paid off the charges. Why was there a $25 charge for my water last month? I wasn't even home. It makes me wonder if the toilet bowl isn't somehow releasing a bunch of water or whatever, or maybe a faucet is on or something. I was literally not home in Puerto Rico for the majority of last month, except 4 or 5 days, and my bill came up to over $25. What's up with that?

I am so stressed and occupied I don't even remember what happened yesterday. That was just one day ago. I know I fasted for the whole day, but I literally don't remember.

When we announced our fundraiser via email to all Vegpal members, I got a message on Messenger from a friend in Puerto Rico and told me congratulations! I think he saw my photo on the Vegpal website and messaged me that. That's awesome.

This is so exhausting though. I really don't remember yesterday. It was one day ago. How can I write yesterday's entry if I don't remember what happened? Oh, I looked at some photos from my phone, and I remember now. Wow. I had a lot of free time yesterday. Anyway, I'll get to that now.

So that was my day today. It was a very busy, very eventful day. There was so much that happened. I could describe a lot more detail what happened, like, what the people I interviewed were like, what it was like interviewing people, and so on, I could describe some of the work I did today, but yeah. I don't know how, all that time passed by today, and it barely felt like I did anything. But I was doing activities the whole day. It was such a busy day.

Anyway that was my day today.

11:37 PM

Update. I know I wrote pretty disparagingly about today, but I learned to reframe today as actually quite a positive, productive, eventful, and hopeful day. I learned a lot and experienced a lot today. Overall it was a good day. I can’t be negative just because I made some wrong choices. Overall today was good.

and just like that, I no longer feel exhausted. I don’t even feel sleepy anymore.

Written by JustMegawatt

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