April 6, 2022

Interviewed Two People, Sent Out Internship Offer Emails, Had Lots of Fun

10:37 PM

Yay I'm writing this entry the day of, so I have full memory of everything that happened today. I am also quite glad today, so I'm going to write in more detail than yesterday.

Last night before going to sleep, I emailed my CPA apologizing I haven't submitted all the things he needs to file my taxes yet. Well, I am taking the long route around it. Basically for my business, he wants a simple Profit and Loss sheet, but me, I'm like, let me gather up all my transactions and put them into this plain text accounting ledger and calculate my P&L that way. So I have to spend some time, maybe an hour or more, gathering up all my business transactions from last year. So, that's why I procrastinate on that. If I didn't feel like I had to gather up all the transactions first and put them into a fancy text based accounting ledger, I could probably do this all in like 10 minutes.

For my personal taxes, it's a similar story. He needs something similar to a P&L sheet, and I could take this really quick shortcut that would probably have me done in like an hour or two, but no, me, I'm like, let me gather up all my transactions. This is literally all my transactions from the entire past year, like all my purchases with all my accounts and everything. So I used to do this, I used to be on top of all this, but I stopped last year basically when I moved to Puerto Rico. So now I feel like I have this entire year's worth of transactions I have to catch up on. That's why I am procrastinating on that so much. But sure, I can take a shortcut, and get all this submitted in like an hour or two, if I didn't have to gather every teeny transaction, but I'm a perfectionist sort of person like that. I want to be on top of it all.

Already I am writing in far more detail than I would normally, because I feel good as I write this right now. I am on the carpeted floor of my room at my parent's house right now as I write this, in a dark room, no lights except for my laptop and all I am doing is writing this entry. There's no music, there's no other sound. I have full concentration on this. That's why I think today will be a beautiful entry. I have no idea what's going to appear in the following paragraphs. I make it all up as I go along, I write my journal entries in a stream of consciousness sort of way.

So anyway, last night before going to sleep, I email my CPA that apology about being late and all that, and asked him if I got an automatic extension for not submitting taxes on time. I think that's a thing. I think in 2019 or maybe 2020, I didn't submit my taxes on time. My CPA at the time told me that I got an automatic extension of one month to submit on May 15th the following month, so I don't know if it's really this automatic thing. So I check my phone this morning and my current CPA said he would file an extension for me on this. Awesome. So I would get some extra time to file. That lifted a load off. I checked that on my phone like fist thing and I was overjoyed.

I used the bathroom. So I have already fallen off this fasting thing a few times, but AJN didn't know that. I was hungry that morning though, even though I ate a little bit yesterday, and I told her that I was probably gonna eat today, but she didn't get mad. I thought she would haha. Anyway, I told her I was getting super hungry and said I was probably gonna give in today. But I should have a good reason first. She says she was going to continue fasting though, for the original 11 days I planned for us. I'm gonna fast again starting tomorrow, I only ate today because I used strength workouts as an excuse.

So my dad and I go to the recreational center in the morning. Instead of my normal over 1 hour of jogging and 20 to 30 minutes of walking on the treadmill, I just did strength exercises today. I got on a bunch of machines and I just started working out. I did pull ups on the assisted pull up machine until I couldn't anymore. And I was working out for over an hour a bunch of different muscles, everything. As I write this, I don't feel sore at all. There is no soreness. A few hours ago I did 20 reps with 15 pound weights before I ate dinner, and this is after already working out my muscles until exhaustion this morning. So anyway, doing these workouts this morning gave me an excuse to eat. But yeah, I recover insanely fast, I think it's no joke that vegans recover from workouts far beyond average. I'll write if I feel sore tomorrow, but yeah, I literally worked out until exhaustion every muscle I could, and I feel nothing. I did 100 push ups too.

After that, my dad and I go to Robek's to get some smoothies before going home. At home, I had about 30 minutes to prepare for an interview. I just washed my face and hair, and changed clothes. Then the interview started. I am a lot more comfortable now doing this. I'm having a lot of fun now doing these interviews. Yesterday it felt like a chore I admit, but that's because I had my taxes and stuff on my mind the whole time. Today though, I was free, because of that tax filing extension. I told Lia that too. So I was free to fully concentrate on Vegpal today.

The interview was fun. It was with someone already experienced and skilled with Flutter and Dart. He has released an app to the App Store and Play Store using these technologies, so he was quite proficient with it already. Everything I learned, I learned on the job, and the only thing I've done really was edit some source code, I haven't really made one from scratch. So if I were being fair, I'd say he knows more about Flutter and Dart than I do at the moment. Give me a few months though, maybe I'll work on my own project or something during that time, and we'd be on even ground. I do know more about Vegpal and its stack and everything more than any individual on the previous team though, because they all worked only on one component at a time, while I forced myself to learn about it all components. Anyway this interview was fun and he was very interested in joining.

There was another interview right after that. He says his mom is vegan which is cool, and he was very interested in joining and learning the technologies that we used. We also accepted him in.

So we only looked for 5 interns and we found them today. I think we interviewed maybe 8 people total? And I think we have our 5. I emailed all five of them again today, confirming their schedules, and one of them asked if they could get a formal letter from us with the offer information, job duties, hours, supervisor information, and so on so that he could submit it to his advisor or something because it was mandatory he take part in an internship or something, I don't know, but he needed this information. So I drafted up that letter, I feel like such an adult, like I am pretty much the same age as all the people we are interviewing and hiring, but wow, I put my name as the supervisor and my title as Chief Technology Officer and I put my contact information and sent it off to him. This letter was super helpful so I sent it off to the other candidates as well after getting confirmation they were interested and confirmed their hour availability.

So I basically did all of that recruitment work. It was a lot of sending out emails and waiting for responses, and logging their information, when they would start, and so on. So I was able to confirm the schedules and start dates for 4 people today. There is a 5th person we are interested in recruiting as an Intern but she hasn't gotten back to us yet. Maybe she just doesn't check her email that often? I used to do that. The 4 people we confirmed today had really fast response times though, they were fully active and committed it seems like.

So there we go. We have one person starting next week, and I have to basically make an on-boarding document and plan for them. I have to update stuff in the source code as well. Lots of stuff I have to work on until then. Whew.

I feel like such an adult now. I'm being put in charge of people, wow! So basically I would assign them the tasks and so on, and I would organize the tasks basically that they need to work on. So yeah. That's interesting isn't it? I just updated my profile on LinkedIn to say that I'm the CTO of Vegpal. Isn't that a cool title? And I get to work on all the technology stuff and know the entire system in and out and everything. Isn't that awesome?

But so, when I was a low ranking employee when I got my first job, I too felt like the higher ups had so much power and control and they ruled the world basically, right? In the first company I worked for, they were these individuals in their 40s and 50s, they had executive titles, and I thought they had so much experience and power, like they must be super rich and live the best lifestyle and whatever. But I am a CTO now, and I am recruiting people, I am in charge of them, but I don't have almighty power at all. I have a lot of work and responsibilities to fulfill, and I don't even get paid, not that I want to get paid anyway, I enjoy doing this. Anyway I am just a regular person still, I have to walk outside, I have to drive a car, I have to eat and drink and pee and poop and sleep and wake up and exercise. I have to put in as much work and effort as anyone else on the team, maybe even more, in many ways more.

So I really hate it and think it's so stupid how victimized people are becoming. I really hate how people complain about their life situation and blame it on something like their skin color or gender, or blame things like "the elite" who control them. Really? I do get that feeling, like people feel they are just forced into their life situations and are powerless to change, but it's really their every day life choices that make the difference. For many years I lived on under $3 of vegan food a day intentionally, so I could save up money and everyone has that ability too. Oh yeah, and the same people that blame "corporations" or "white privilege" (I am not even white), or "the elite oppressors" are the same people that pay for innocent and powerless animals to be slaughtered for them, and then they have the audacity to complain about being oppressed when they're not the ones enslaved and suffering their entire lives trapped in a cage only to be killed and eaten unnecessarily.

But yeah, I mean even if you look at the wealthiest people like Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, and so on, they have no control over anyone. They have businesses to run, but people don't realize they are also enslaved by the business they created themselves. They have to dedicate all their time and attention to their business 24/7, like how I am fully committed to Vegpal that way. They also can't just do anything they want, they have to conform to a set of rules called the law, and they are public figures who basically don't have much freedom to do things, because of paparazzi and press always watching their every move. They can't just go up to anyone on the street and tell them to do something, like even the people they hire, they can only ask them to do things that would help the business.

And I really hate it when people bring up their skin color and say that's the cause of all their problems or some other victim mentality like that, especially when they live in the United States. People make excuses for having problems in their life, when they are the only cause of it. This is why when I write, I always put the blame on me, for any problems, because it's the truth. Rationally thinking, I can't really blame anything else. Both Lia and AJN are solid on this, like I can't blame anything else in front of them, because they'll always send the blame back on me, and it's true. They both have really good BS detectors. I think I only say those things sometimes to challenge them, maybe they accept that lame excuse this time, but nope, they always reply pretty rationally and point out my mistakes.

"The Elites" aren't going around controlling anything. I am in my room right now on the floor, writing all this up in a dark room. Is any "elite" controlling me to do this? When was the last time any "elite" set my schedule to go to the recreational center? When did they tell me to run for 60 minutes on the treadmill and walk for 20 minutes? Are they telling me to write this sentence? Are they telling you to read this? The concept of "the elites" is so freaking ridiculous. So apparently the Rothschilds and the Illuminati and the Freemasons and the Jews control the world or something, when was the last time I took any order or anything from them? When did Any Rothschild or whatever visit my home and tell me what to do?

It's pretty weird Christians blame Jews for their problems when Christianity is the most powerful religion in the world. I think if you were to come up with the list of all the bad things Christians did vs all the bad things the Jews did, there would be like a list far greater on the Christian side than the Jew side. So really, the Christians should blame themselves for all the horrible things they have done to the world. I can't really even think of anything bad the Jews did or are doing, except killing and eating animals, and even the Christians do that. The only thing the Jews have is they have some powerful people at the top like Mark Zuckerberg who is a Jew, but then other people at the top like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates aren't Jews, but all the Christians seem to just look at this one guy at the top and claim that's proof Jews rule the world or whatever. It's so idiotic.

Also my dad is in the Freemasons. Like he considers himself a Freemason and attends its events with his friends, but he's not all powerful or whatever. Literally any man can join and sign up to become a Freemason online, but actually I think it's men only. There are literally forms any man can fill in and submit to become a Freemason. My dad is not wealthy (he has negative net worth because of his debts), and he is an older man in his mid 60s so he's not supremely strong or whatever. He doesn't even have a job or anything right now, he's retired, and he relies on me to pay for his debts and mortgage. And people think "The Freemasons" have some UFOs, secret ancient knowledge, access to aliens, and that they control the entire planet somehow?

We all have rules to follow. The rules of gravity and the laws of thermodynamics, the law of life, aging, and death. We have societal laws we have to follow or face punishment. The law of time advancing. No matter how much power and money and fame someone possesses, they are still regular normal mortals. They can get hurt with anything that hurts anyone else. They age like everyone else. They die like everyone else. You can have all the resources in the world and you'd still be under control of all these laws.

Anyway there's lots more I can write about this subject, but I am getting sleepy now. I am a CTO, but I am still just a mortal. I get tired, especially after a long day. Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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