April 8, 2022

Finally felt some soreness, Crazy Anime and Manga

11:48 AM

I just came back from the recreational center and I’m now just sitting in the car waiting for my dad. He went back home to write himself a check using my checks so he can deposit it. I have to help him pay his debts and mortgage since he’s retired and doesn’t have an income. This is all fine, they raised me and blah blah blah so in turn I have to help support them.

I finally feel sore today. I actually planned on running today for another two hours or whatever, but my thighs are very sore and stiff!!! Wow!!! Finally!! It’s been eons since I last felt any soreness anywhere no matter how hard I work out. I think it was a combination of doing all those strength workouts on Wednesday, and then jogging for 40 minutes yesterday, that today I finally feel sore. Finally. Finalmente (Spanish for finally)!

I only did upper body workouts today, 100 push ups, and 2.5 minutes of planking. I also used a bunch of different machines. When I took off my shirt in the mirror today, I looked visibly more muscular, but still fat.

One thing I feel ashamed of is I can’t do a single pull up. I need 80 pounds of assisted weight to help me do a pull up. So according to that, even if I weighed 110 pounds, I can’t even do a regular pull up with my muscle strength? Now I feel really weak. I don’t actually know if that’s the case, but yeah it’s weird, I can do other machines just fine, on par with anyone else, but I am this weak when it comes to pull ups? I think doing a pull up is a valuable strength skill too, because if I fell off a ledge and just barely grabbed onto a railing, if I couldn’t pull myself back up then I’m dead. And I am talking about pull ups here, not chin ups, I can probably do a chin up with only 40 pounds assist, but I never tried.

In movies too, people are grabbing onto the ledge or railings or whatever, and they stay there for like a minute or whatever or longer, and I don’t know if I can do that. In the anime Sword Art Online, I don’t even know why that anime is called that when the entire “Sword Art Online” saga only lasted like 12 episodes and then the rest of the series was about other things. But anyway, yeah, in the anime Sword Art Online or SAO, in the third season, I remember there’s this one scene where the main characters are climbing a tower from the outside. They pretty much held onto their weapons they stuck into the sides of the tower for like several days or maybe like an entire day or night or something of like 12 hours, anyway I remember it being a long time. Is something like that even possible in real life? They make it seem so plausible but I doubt it is.

11:17 PM

The most ridiculous manga has to be Air Gear though. I would’ve said the most ridiculous anime, but the anime doesn’t reach the craziness of the manga.

Air Gear is a manga story that starts off with people racing around with motorized inline skates. There’s some fighting with them on in the beginning, but I think it was mainly just about racing. The story turns from some 15 year old kids going around racing with their skates, to suddenly fighting to save the planet with DBZ level super powers.

So they start with sort of reasonable tricks, like flipping in the air and and stuff like that. The tricks they perform get more and more ridiculous, with some “tricks” being so insane like there is literally a character that can stop time. By the end, the main character can create hurricanes, fly around in the sky using his skates, even create black holes and other insane tricks like that. I am not even sure they can be considered “tricks” anymore when you go from doing a backflip to creating clones and stopping time and so on, with freaking roller blades.

The story is pretty ridiculous, but my favorite character is this guy named Sora. He is the previous “wind king” but he gets ambushed or something and becomes crippled, so he has to use a wheelchair. The thing is, he is very cool on his wheelchair, he can travel faster than light on a wheel chair, he can climb walls and the sides of buildings with his wheel chair, he is basically better on his wheel chair than the majority of the characters on their skates.

The reason why Sora is my favorite character is just how cool he is. He wears this hat and looks thin and is an unassuming character on his first appearance. Then you learn he can do things like travel faster than light, and he’s shown climbing the walls of a building with his wheelchair. I mean isn’t that cool? He’s also confident as hell even though he’s on this wheelchair. He is the most powerful character in the entire series until the main character beats him in the end.

Near the end of the story, I guess they did this just to advance the plot, but they made Sora go evil for some reason, and he kills a bunch of people, and somehow he gets metal legs and can ride his roller blades again, and the main character now has to fight him. I seriously think they made him go evil because they had no other plot to go with, and he is the strongest character in the entire series up to that point and I guess they wanted to show the main character surpass him.

Anyway these roller blades are what every character uses to do “tricks” like create a tornado and stuff like that. The coolest line I have ever heard in any anime manga or anime, is he goes along and says something like “I have never even turned on my roller blades.” Because every rollerblade is electric and supposed to accelerate faster, and that supposedly is what makes them super powerful. But Sora reveals he has never even turned them on and still became the most powerful character in the series that way, I mean that’s insane.

The main character beats him because he unlocks this “new road” which allows him to nullify the air basically, and since Sora is a “wing road” user, think of “roads” as like classes in an RPG, and wing road users need the air, all his abilities basically became nothing to the main character. Yeah, not a great ending. Sora is still my favorite character, I think it is just weird they make him a nice and friendly character in the start, and then just give him metal legs so he can roller blade again, and he goes around and kills a bunch of people.

The series gets far crazier than that. Some characters are known as “gravity children” and they are like these bio-engineered people that are bred as the perfect people that can ride the electronic rollerblades. I’m not kidding. They were born basically just so they can roller blade, and pretty much all of the top characters are gravity children. The characters also have this power called “shadow” and it’s basically a monster they can summon with their rollerblades, I’m not kidding. This is a show about roller blades.

The series gets really really really ridiculous. So later on, they can basically summon energy blasts with their rollerblades not unlike a ki blast from DBZ. I mean you can list out all the abilities they have and it’s crazy. One of the characters can use their rollerblades to create or destroy any mechanical object, which is so ridiculous. It is crazy how it started off with racing and just became about super explosion battles with roller blades, yes.

Anyway, today I didn’t do much. I did go to the gym, I walked outside with my dad. I did some work. Now I feel very sleepy.

I’d continue but im so tired now. Good night.

Written by JustMegawatt

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