April 12, 2022

Cancún, exercised, fighting, on-boarded intern, traveled, visited store

6:41 AM (of Wednesday, April 13th 2022)

Today is Tuesday, April 12th 2022 and it was a long and fun day today. We arrived here in Cancún yesterday evening and we are fully set up and everything now.

First thing I did this morning was go to the 5th floor of this hotel with my dad where the gym is located, and we exercised at the gym. I did 100 push ups, 3 minutes of planking, and probably a few hundred kicks with each foot. There was a punching bag and speed bag there, so I played around with both. There was also this other punching bag thing, but I don’t know its name, but I played with that too. I also did like 100 curls or something with each arm on 9kg weight, whatever that is in pounds.

We recorded me doing a bunch of kicks to the punching bag and speed bag. I can very casually kick above my head with pretty much any kick. These are the kicks I know: front kick, round house kick, side kick, drop kick, in out drop kick, out in drop kick, hook kick, push kick, back heel kick, tornado roundhouse kick, running jump sidekick, and I think those are all the kicks I know. I did a bunch of these kicks and can kick above my head with all of them (except running sidekick) with both feet at will at any time basically. Like I can be not warmed up at all, lying around all day, wearing very tight jeans, and I can still pretty casually stand up and perform any of these kicks kicking above my head without much or any effort.

6:00 AM (of Thursday, April 14th 2022)

Anyway I performed those kicks and lifted a bunch of weights, did a bunch of push ups, did planks for a while. It was fun. It is kind of annoying to get started, but once my body got fully warmed up and nimble, I could perform kicks and lift those weights and do those push ups so easily. I asked my dad to record me doing some kicks, and I can kick pretty hard, fast, and high. I am nimble despite being fat and overweight.

There were a few other people in the gym and they saw me kicking. When I was doing some other exercises, one guy was influenced to go up to the punching bag and he tried kicking it too, he had barely any force or power in comparison to my kicks. He didn’t even move the punching bag an inch. There’s really no easy way to measure force, but I can make a very loud thud sound and make the punching bag fly upwards with my kicks, but yeah that way of measuring power sounds arbitrary.

For fighting, I think anyone with sufficient strength can win against anyone else. You don’t have to have technique or anything, for sure it’s better to learn, but anyone can lose against anyone even if they are strong and fast like I am, anyone can still win against me. A girl much smaller and lighter can win against me, if they threw a rock at my face or grabbed a hammer and hit me.

I’m not delusional thinking I can’t lose a fight or whatever, a good hit to the head can knock me out or anyone out easily, especially if I we are not prepared for it, and in those cases all my kicks and punches I can perform well, become pretty useless. Everyone is vulnerable too, like literally pretty much anyone I see, I view as me being able to win against them in a fight, but likewise I view them as being able to win against me. I don’t care if they are a UFC fighter or champion boxer or whatever, if they get punched hard in the head or they get hit with some weapon, they can get knocked out, like me, like anyone.

Even if a person had 10 years of experience in the military and they were in the best shape of their life, and they scored the highest marks in all combat training and weapon proficiency and they had all the latest and best military equipment, they can still lose against a 10 year old girl with no experience with a pistol from the 1800s that only had one bullet if the girl just walked up to the guy and fired at his forehead. I feel the same way about fighting. Training and experience helps more so than having none, but I am not delusional to think it’ll guarantee winning. I can kick very hard and very fast, but I don’t know if I can take a punch or take a kick to my own face and body.

But yeah I think if there were some set way to measure how strongly I can kick and punch, I think it would be quite high. I saw some videos of people supposedly kicking with like 1000 pounds of force or something, and their kicks looked pretty weak to me. So I can probably do 1000 pounds of force too, I mean if they were able to, why not me? There was also this viral video of this podcast celebrity Joe Rogan who kicked a punching bag quite hard, but I honestly think I can kick much harder, his kick did not impress me at all. Also I did not feel sore today even after doing all these workouts. It’s quite annoying but I recover extremely fast. I want to feel some soreness but I don’t think it matters if I exercise for 5 hours straight, I don’t feel sore.

This morning I ate a bunch of fruits as pictured in the breakfast buffet. That aided me a lot with the recovery. You don’t need any coffee or anything if you start the day with fruits because they have a lot of fiber, water, antioxidants, and carbohydrates, they are so energizing and revitalizing, they gave me a full day of energy.

After breakfast, my parents and I explored the beach and the pool of the restaurant. It was nice and beautiful as pictured. I have pretty similar access to pretty similar places in Puerto Rico though, so this was not that impressive to me, but it’s still fun. Honestly people just envy and think it’s so cool or whatever, but it’s just a beach, there’s nothing so special about it. No one had to be jealous of such petty things.

I had to spend most of my time today in the hotel because I had to prepare this onboarding document for a new intern we were bringing into Vegpal. I got that completed, and then the meeting started. Lia and I and the new Intern went over the NDA documentation. I signed mine and submitted it right after this meeting. Then after receiving her NDA signage, I created her accounts and asked Lia to invite her to the GitHub and Trello and Slack.

After that we got into a zoom meeting and I guided her a lot on the development process and stuff like that, getting her environment set up and everything. I realized that it takes a lot of work and a lot of knowledge to do some of the work I do that comes so easily to me because of all the real life experience and knowledge I have built up.

I think anyone can accomplish anything, just like how anyone can beat up anyone. I don’t think there is anything special about anyone that makes them able to do things and that other people can’t do those things.

However I do find it very weird I have excelled in a few areas and without much effort. This is not a fun thought I have. Like when I started playing Mobile Legends a few months ago, and I only played for 3 or 4 days by the way, a total of around 25 games, I excelled in every game, even literally the first game I played where I got I think 17 kills and 0 deaths, literally my first online game. And that streak basically continued, and I quit after achieving 30 kills and 0 deaths in a game, and reaching top 3000 ranking in a game with literally millions of players, I got into the top 0.01% ranking on my first 3 or 4 days playing. Isn’t that crazy?

There’s a lot of other skills and areas I got into and got proficient, knowledgeable, and skilled in. Pretty much any topic in the world, I know things about. It’s how I know anyone can learn anything and accomplish anything. Is it then that most people are just intentionally ignorant and unknowledgeable about things? I think few people ever change their religion or their eating diet, thinking their religion is correct because that’s what they were born into, or that killing and eating animals is somehow correct and necessary because that’s what they were born into, and they do no extra thinking other than that.

I know I am not great at some things too like art, I am pretty terrible at it. But I think if I set aside some time to learn, I can do very well there too.

12:37 AM (of Friday, April 16th 2022)

What else is there to write about? I am very sleep now by the way.

Umm we went to the beach and took some pictures. I have no idea what I meant when I put that I travelled today and visited a restaurant. Which one? I don’t remember anymore.

Anyway I think that was my whole day today. I am exceptionally sleepy.

Written by JustMegawatt

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