April 13, 2022

Chichén Itza

5:05 AM (of Sunday, April 17th 2022)

Today is Wednesday, April 13th 2022 and I went to Chichén Itzá with my parents today. Chichén Itzá is this Mayan ruins sort of place, I think it was the inspiration for all the buildings and architecture in the movie The Road to El Dorado which is a super good film by the way.

My parents and I woke up super early, had breakfast, all three of us eat a plant based diet (my mom will have cheese sometimes), that was mainly fruits for us, but the breakfast buffet they had here at the Nyx Hotel was perfect in my opinion. They had everything, lots and lots of fruit choices, they had lots of nuts and seeds, lots of breads and cooked plants, they had plant based milks with cereals, they had bananas, mangos, kiwis, pineapples, watermelons, apples, oranges, lots more other fruits, dried fruits, fruit juices, etc. perfect breakfast buffet for vegans. We had to eat very fast because we had to get on the bus early.

The person that sat next to me on the bus was very muscular. He was also Filipino like me and spoke Tagalog, I conversed with him for a bit. I am not attracted to guys, but I enjoyed his appearance and wanted to look like that. I am 100% not into guys but I think he might have been attracted to guys, because he was showing his muscles off a lot, wearing a tank top on the way to Chichen Itza, and for a time after going to a water place, he was shirtless next to me for like an hour, seriously. I so wanted to have a body like his though, for sure.

Chichén Itza was a cool place. The Mayans were incredibly intelligent. There is a lot of history for their structures and reasons they were constructed and so on. This pyramid structure is their most famous and iconic building, but obviously they had a lot of others that were not as massive but still very nice and had a purpose. There was this ball game where they had to kick a ball through a hoop like 30 feet high or whatever, like there was no way anyone could jump up and touch it. They also featured that game in the Road to El Dorado, one of my favorite animation movies.

After that we went to a Cenote which is this underground river sort of place. I’ve heard claims that in the whole world, only this area in Mexico has cenotes and there’s a bunch of cenotes here, like over a hundred I think. I find those “facts” hard to believe, like that only this area in the whole world has cenotes and there’s hundreds here, but maybe it’s true.

So we go into this cave and there’s this 150 foot deep water (the bus tour guide said it was 150 feet deep) in this massive cavern and people can swim in it, I could have swam in it. The water was cold though, and my mom did not want to go in, so I didn’t either. It was so crowded and dark that it was hard to take pictures in. It was also very smelly, I am not kidding when I say it was very crowded, there was like a hundred people in a small area and it was very stinky. We basically went in, took some pictures, got out immediately to get fresh air. Our pictures from the cenote sucked too so that’s why I am not going to be uploading any.

We went to some nearby city afterwards and ate at a lunch buffet, there were lots of vegan options there too including an entirely separately labeled vegetarian section of the restaurant. I was very happy there were people who ate at that section but it surprises me daily that anyone still mindlessly contributes to suffering and violence unnecessarily towards innocent animals just so they can eat their flesh for a few minutes of a meal they barely remember the next moment. I haven’t had any animal flesh in nearly 10 years, which goes to show how unnecessary it is that we still kill and eat animals, most people probably haven’t gone a day without some innocent and friendly animal having to be intentionally killed for them.

Anyway we go shopping around in the city and explore some sights, take some pictures here and there. There were lots of other tourist there. What else can I say?

That’s pretty much it. What else? We went back home. We got back home at like 8 PM maybe? 9 PM? We pretty much just went straight to sleep after that. Well, maybe we used our computers for a bit first and watched some TV and took showers.

The shower at this hotel was the best I’ve ever used in my entire life. I think I can confidently say that even after going to like 10 countries and taking showers in their fancy hotels, fancy homes, the water flow for this shower was the best. It was an insanely strong water flow, probably like a gallon of water every minute or something, it was freaking incredible, and the water could be set to be extremely hot. I think the showers were my favorite part of this hotel. I do recommend it, I would choose to stay there again if I ever came back.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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