April 15, 2022

Rest Day and Last Full Day in Mexico

6:45 AM (of Monday, April 18th 2022)

Today is Friday, April 15th 2022 and today was a rest day. My parents and I were still in Cancun, Mexico at this point, staying at the Nyx Hotel, and we just had no activities left to do. We had already gone around a few of the places here, went to the beach and relaxed, I swam in the jacuzzi's or hot tubs they had here I think on Tuesday or Wednesday night but I forgot to write about that, we went to Chichen Itza and Tulum. And yeah, that was it.

I forgot to mention that on Wednesday, I posted those photos from Tuesday to Facebook, and I got 39 likes on it. I have 312 friends on Facebook apparently so that's more than 10% of my friends liking it. This same time last year I probably only had like 40 friends on Facebook maybe (but I had like 1200+ on my original Facebook account, this one is a new one), so to have over 300 friends now is pretty remarkable. I have around 800 connections on LinkedIn. I do not remember the majority of them. If that account were to be closed or something somehow, then I would basically not be able to get those connections back. Just a random thought.

On that set of photos, one person posted a comment saying that the Black Sheep Retreat Sanctuary was near Cancun. It's not actually near, it is in Cancun. So I told my parents last night that we should visit, and we planned on visiting. I messaged them on Facebook last night and the person who runs it says she won't be there for a few days so they aren't allowing guests for the time being. Anyway I still donated to the sanctuary last night (Thursday), and I donated to another animal sanctuary today (Friday) or last night too, I'm not exactly sure when. I saw the person that runs this sanctuary on Veggly and she is amazing and attractive, and single, wishing her the best.

A thought I'm having is to dedicate my entire life to philanthropy and mainly to donate to vegan charities. I want to have the most impact with my donations and that basically means amassing success and wealth. The more wealth I acquire, the more I can donate. Pretty much all the billionaires want to donate all their money once they die, like Warren Buffet and Bill Gates, even Jeff Bezos. Jeff Bezos' ex-wife Mackenzie Scott who got like $50 billion from her divorce with Jeff Bezos, is now the most philanthropic person in the world today, already giving out grants of like $10 billion to charities, I think that's more than Bill Gates, but I am not sure. So I have to become a billionaire if I want my philanthropic goals to be meaningful? That sounds impossible.

Anyway, today was a rest day, so we just chilled at the hotel mainly. My parents complained a bunch that it was too hot outside (it was 86 degrees) and so they didn't want to go to the beach or anything, which is just a few steps away from the hotel. So we just stayed at home and talked or watched videos, I don't even remember. I had work on my computer that I did for Stealth Launch though, and I emailed NW telling them why I wasn't replying to any emails for the entire week. I sent them pictures from my trip here in Mexico and they all liked it, they all forgave me for not having done any work this week basically.

After sending that email, I got to work catching up on everything I was behind on, and completed some things. I actually really enjoy doing work again. At night time we ate at La Tequilleria again, actually the restaurant might be called Casa Tequila based on a photo of their menu. I am not sure then how I got it to be called La Tequilleria, maybe a sign there said that or something, I don't know.

Anyway that was our day today. Not much else. We didn't do much. Oh, we also had a Covid test this morning, and ours came out negative. Yay.

Written by JustMegawatt

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