April 16, 2022

Flew Back to the U.S.

7:47 AM (of Tuesday, April 19th 2022)

Today is Saturday, April 16th 2022 and it was an extremely boring day today. Basically it took the whole day to get back to the U.S. from Mexico.

We woke up pretty early and started heading to the airport at around 6 AM, and we paid $35 to the taxi driver to drive us there, plus $5 tip. To get to the hotel from the airport, we paid $40 to ride a shuttle, so it was the same price basically. I didn’t write the entry yet of us arriving from the U.S. to Mexico, but it was a pretty hectic and confusing day landing in a foreign land where you know nobody and don’t speak the language. I need to write the entry for that day.

So we get in line and stuff at the Cancún airport and that was boring. I mean it was really really boring. We basically stood in line or sat around the whole day. The entire day.

From Mexico, we landed in Miami, Florida. Then we took another airplane to New York. From there we flew to Baltimore, Maryland. Then we took an Uber from Maryland to my parent’s home in Virginia and it was an hour drive. Really boring. It took us about 12-13 hours in total from the hotel back to our home in the U.S.

During that one hour drive back home on the Uber, Wahl replied back. It’s been about two weeks since she last replied to my messages and we both take about a week or longer to reply to each other. After an exceptionally boring day of basically nothing happening, mainly just sitting on a plane doing nothing, and after two weeks of not hearing back, she replied.

I don’t have that many matches on my dating accounts. I have two dating accounts total, one on Veggly and the other on Vegpal and I only have like 40 matches between both of them. I wonder how many matches and such I would get if I signed up for something like Tinder again? I have a lot of amazing pictures now at rivers, waterfalls, beaches, and other grand places that would get a lot of likes on Instagram if I put them up there. I haven’t been on Tinder in a year, and the last time I was on I got like 11 matches on my first day there, but the first day you are signed up is when you are able to match with the most, and I was also in Puerto Rico when I did that last year where there is less people.

Anyway who cares. The point I was getting to is that the romance in basically all my matches except one have died out. I’ve gone on dates with three different women total from Veggly and Vegpal (four if Lia counts as a date) but I’ve scheduled a lot more and much more didn't go through. I am still friends with a few of the people I went out with and will see again in real life. So yeah, I really 100% hope Wahl and I do meet up and go on dates and stuff like we planned. I am planning on taking her to Disney World and Universal Studios and she says she's fine with visiting me in Puerto Rico a bit and she's fine working with me on my business.

Anyway I felt so happy when I got her messages. We have just been messaging each other on Instagram only, so I can read all her replies right from my notifications without even opening up the app. I'm going to take like two weeks before I reply to her new messages that she sent. I sent her a bunch of messages and photos, a total of around 20 messages and photos the past 2 weeks, long paragraph long messages and photos from me at GMU and in Mexico. I even sent her the photo with me shirtless and leaning against a tree. I thought she was not going to like my appearance or messages, but she hearted everything and replied to everything.

I told her that I was working out daily so that I could look much better for when we met up in June. I think I need to fast first before doing anything else. Can I fast for 30 days? If I do, I basically resolve all my weight problems right there and drop down to my optimal weight. If I can fast for 30 days that is, I resolve all my weight problems. It’s hard though. Even a week of fasting is pretty hard. I don’t see why I’m not able to do it though.

Anyway when we got back home, I posted that I was finally back home in the Vegpal slack group. We unpacked, and just rested, ate some food, and just felt at home again.

That was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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