April 19, 2022

210 Push Ups and Other Workouts, Worked a Bit

6:16 AM (of Wednesday, April 20th 2022)

Today is Tuesday, April 19th 2022. I went back to the recreational center with my dad early this morning (around 7 AM) and paid for another month's membership for us. It's only like $40 for an adult, and $35 for a senior, for a month's membership to get in and out of this recreational center. In my opinion, that is worth it, because this place is massive and it has multiple pools, two full sized basketball courts, a climbing wall, a running track, and all the workout equipment one would ever need.

There's surprisingly far fewer people here than at a gym, today there was basically just me and my dad and like 2 or 3 other people working out in this massive place. This place is way better than a gym. I am not sure why anyone would go to a gym when you have a place like this, it's cheaper here than at a gym too and there's no mandatory yearly membership. There is actually a gym like 1 mile away from this place that we checked out before coming to this one, and that place is constantly packed, like every machine is basically taken, and that place is actually far smaller than this place, it might have more workout equipment though.

Anyway, today I did a lot of strength workouts. For some reason I didn't do much cardio today. I wonder why? I did 10 minutes of walking on the treadmill to warm up, and then I did 210 push ups in around 50 minutes, and that didn't tire me out at all. I think I have definitely gotten a lot stronger because I did these 210 push ups with ease and I wasn't exhausted, I could have kept on going. I did 3 sets of 1 minute planking though, and that was hard! For me, 1 minute of planking is as hard as doing like 40 push ups I guess, at least it felt that way.

After those workouts, I went over to the dumbbells and did a bunch of exercises there. I started off with doing some arm curls with 22 pounds and did like 3 sets of 10 reps with each arm. Then for fun, I didn't expect I could do it, I grabbed the 30 pound weights and started doing arm curls with those. Has 30 pounds always been light? Like it was not hard for me to do arm curls with 30 pound weights. I probably did 2 sets of 10 reps with each arm. After that I did some barbell squats. After that I did a bunch of other arm exercises I don't even know the name of with other heavy weights. Is this supposed to be hard and am I supposed to feel sore after all this? I am typing this up the next day and I feel no soreness again. I spent like 2 hours just doing arm exercises, heavy weights for me too, and my arms feel fine, everything feels fine.

Later in the day though, I did have a moment where I was trying to lift up my laptop and it's this MacBook Air that weighs like 4 pounds maybe, and I felt some soreness when attempting to do that with my left arm! Now after sleeping and waking up the next day (Wednesday), I can lift up this laptop with my left arm with ease and feel no soreness anywhere. I feel no soreness anywhere on my body despite pushing myself today (Tuesday), maybe I didn't push myself hard enough? Maybe I should try doing arm curls with 40 pounds?

At home I ate a bunch and rested a bunch. I worked on Vegpal for a bit, worked on some new features after getting into a meeting with Lia at around 11. At around 6 PM, I went outside and threw the trash out with my dad, and then we went out and walked down to the river, and circled around. How many steps did we take? I am guessing it's like 8000 steps or something, but I don't really know.

That was basically my whole day today. Just exercised a bunch, and then worked a bunch. I can write in more detail about what I worked on I guess. I added a bunch of tasks to the Trello of what we have to do. I worked on adding a new Toggle switch to the UI that would enable or disable dating mode. When enabled, a new icon and entire section appears in the navigation bar. Anyway, this was fun to work on. This is not easy stuff by the way, I had a difficult time with this, well, maybe not difficult, but I had a not so easy time with all this since I'm still quite brand new to Dart and Flutter, despite a month or two having gone by since I started working with it, I haven't really been working with it all that much, not enough experience anyway. But yeah, that was a fun thing to work on today.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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