April 22, 2022

Day 2 of 14 of Water Fasting, Real Earth Day, Lots of Work, Walked Outside

5:41 AM (of Saturday, April 23rd 2022)

Today is Friday, April 22nd 2022 and it was an excellent day today. I don’t think a day could have gone any better. It was my second day of water fasting today, and I got through the whole day pretty easily.

It was a crazily productive day today. I caught up on my pictures this morning and worked on my journal entries. I renewed the Habitica challenges I hosted. And then I worked on Vegpal for a couple of hours, and it was all so productive.

I was supposed to be in three meetings today. One was with the other Vegpal execs which did happen. Another meeting was with NW, but because I didn’t get anything new done for them this week, we didn’t meet today. The last meeting was with currently the only Vegpal intern and we just went over her work for the week and reviewed and reflected. We have another intern joining next week on Monday, and then I’ll have two people I will be supervising. I think in total we have like 5 or 6 interns joining us between now and next month. I have to manage them all!! We’ll see how it goes.

This is a full time job, for real. I am constantly busy and occupied. It is not easy at all. I have a lot of complicated development work to do too, and that stuff is also not easy.

The time just went by insane fast today. My dad and I walked outside down to the river again today. It felt really nice. This is my second day of fasting and I felt great. There were times I wanted to give up and eat like an orange or something, but I read this article by Green Smoothie Girl who fasted for 40 days, and that was probably the most comprehensive article on fasting I’ve read, with sources cited. She checked herself into a Hindu temple in Texas and fasted there. The story that inspired me the most was a person that I think fasted for 3 weeks, and walked 10 miles a day while fasting at that same temple. That’s 20,000 steps a day while not having eaten anything, for 3 weeks. That’s pretty crazy.

Today was apparently the real earth day, and not yesterday. A bunch more #goveganforearthday posts came up on my feeds which was amazing. Going vegan is the best and easiest way we can drastically reduce our carbon footprint, we save animal lives, and also improve our health massively in the process. It’s really surprising some people argue against this, like they are arguing for the unnecessary mass slaughter of animals to continue, to continue destroying our planet, and arguing for their health getting worse too. It’s so idiotic. Of course more and more people are waking up, going plant based, going vegan, but I feel like the process is too slow. I will continue posting and sharing information about it as much as I can.

After walking outside with my dad, I watched some anime, and then I feel asleep around 9 PM or something, quite early, but I was exhausted by that time.

Anyway that was my full day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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