May 3, 2022

First Day Back in Puerto Rico Again, Plane Rides, Groceries, No Water

8:53 PM

I fell asleep last night at some time between 12 AM and 1 AM, and then a few hours later I woke up at 3 AM and had to pack up my things. My flight was at 7 AM, with boarding starting at 6 AM, so my dad scheduled an Uber to pick us up at 4 AM. Anyway I was extremely tired when I woke up having gotten just a few hours of sleep.

I groggily packed up 4 laptops and their chargers into my backpack. I changed clothes. I guess that’s all I really needed. No clothes or anything else since they’d all be in my Puerto Rico home already. Did I mention I was super sleepy? Omg.

It was dark out and no one else was awake. On the drive to the airport, the roads were dark and deserted, I didn't see any other cars on the street the whole drive, well maybe I saw a few but less than 5.

Anyway, we arrive at the airport and we stay there for the next hour at the gate after going through security and everything. Eventually it's time to board, and we were one of the last ones on. The plane was deserted, probably only 3% full, there was probably 10-15 people total that I could see, and every other seat was empty. If there's 200 seats visible in the economy section, that's almost every seat empty.

We fly from VA to NJ and then from there to Puerto Rico. The plane to Puerto Rico was full, during the flight I watched a bit of this movie called Cyrano which stars Peter Dinklage who is the famous Tyrion Lannister in Game of Thrones. Peter Dinklage has been vegetarian since he was a teenager and vegan since 2014, he is 52 now and is freaking amazing. During the film he is fighting against much larger people, normal sized people I guess but way larger than him, and he wins every single battle with his swordsmanship and skill. In real life, I think if there are two people against you, it's nearly impossible to win, but he wins against like 10 people at the same time.

If it were me and some random other guy, and we fight against someone like Tyson Fury who is 6'10" and is an undefeated heavyweight champion boxer with 33 matches, do I think we can win? Man, even with the huge boon of being two against one, I don't actually have much confidence that we would win. I feel like a single punch from him would knock me out, and that's it. He would be really hard to reach too because his head would be up so high, his arms are way longer than mine and he could punch me before I reached him. A cheap strong punch to the balls would put him down, but that would be cheap.

Peter Dinklage is basically fighting against 10 Tyson Fury's at the same time and wins against them each time in the film. I think it's possible to win against a Tyson Fury, but it would not be easy. In the film, Peter Dinklage wins so easily and even embarrasses opponents by taking off their wigs or making them fall. I think doing such a thing would be extremely difficult in reality, although not impossible, it's not very realistic.

I also watched this Japanese movie called Cube which is a remake of the 1997 English film of the same name. It was so boring. Some guys are trapped in some cube and they have to escape, when they enter a door into a new cube there's a chance they die. The entire film was so boring and it didn't make any sense. I don't think there would be any real life situation that would ever have that scenario happening ever. Basically they're put into these cubes because they did some crimes in the real world, and some kidnapper put them in these cubes, like that's so stupid.

At around 12 PM I’m in Puerto Rico again. I chat for a bit with the person sitting next to me and he is from Silicon Valley in California, it’s his first time here to Puerto Rico, and his second time ever on a plane. He is older than me and he was born in the United States but he’s only been to two states, California and Nevada. That really shocked me. I’ve been to like 20 states just out of coincidence and I wasn't even born here nor did I make a plan to go out of my way to visit these states. This is excluding airport visits of course, like I've been to a Japanese airport, a Vietnamese airport, an Australian airport, but I never say that I've been to these countries because I was only in their airports. Same for when I count the states I've been to, I have actually been to these states and did activities in them, not just the airport.

This guy has only been in two states and I think he's in his mid 30s. If you counted the airport, he has been to New Jersey too then I guess, but I don't count that. That was pretty unbelievable to me. And he is from Silicon Valley too, he works for some of the big tech companies that we all know the names of and he hasn't left this whole time basically. That's so weird. He is a very cool guy though, I really enjoyed chatting with him. He said his name was Cole and he was only going to be staying here for a few days with his family. I think him and I could have been very good friends, I left without exchanging any other information though.

9:24 AM (of Wednesday, May 4th 2022)

Anyway so I get an Uber for my dad and I, and we get dropped off at home. Arriving back home was surreal. The place was pretty nice and clean and very small and very basic. I am so exhausted so I just basically take a nap after weighing myself. I weighed 192 pounds, so I fasted the rest of the day. When I weighed myself at night again, 8 hours later, I weighed 190.3 pounds, so I basically lose 1 pound every 4 hours through breathing alone.

Every time we breathe out, we lose weight, a teeny amount of weight. 5% of what we breathe out is CO2, which contains carbon, which is basically the physical mass our body is made from. Depending on our energy expenditure, we breathe out more rapidly and more CO2 and therefore expel more carbon, which means more weight loss. So that the main way how we lose weight, through breathing out. Not through pooping or peeing or sweating, but through just normal breathing. Every activity we do, including just staying alive, uses up energy, which becomes the CO2 we breathe out.

Having more fat and more muscle burns more energy staying alive than not having that, and apparently I burn 1 pound every 4 hours based on my mass and activity energy expenditure. And yeah we don't need to murder and eat any corpses of animals to maintain health and muscle, in fact we will likely be far healthier avoiding eating any animal products at all. I am writing this the next day, but I did 40 push ups in 1 set and I weigh 190 pounds, isn't that incredible? If I weighed like 150 pounds, I could probably do over 100 push ups in 1 set, in 1 go in a row. The problem is just that I eat too much and so I weigh a lot, I am really dumb in that regard, but I do a lot of activities that hinder me and I know they hinder me.

Tonight after resting at home for a bit, my dad and I bought some groceries. We went to Wal-Mart and then Costco. We just bought vegan foods like always. We bought some fruits, potatoes, rice, quinoa, Beyond Burger patties, bread, and very recently started buying up some plant based protein powders. I've been to probably 10 countries as a vegan and didn't have any issues in any single one. I've lived on under $3 a day as a vegan before too. People that make excuses to continue killing animals are just making excuses, in reality they have nothing to stand on and nothing justifies their action of taking animal lives for their own personal pleasure.

At night I ate some of the seaweed that we bought from Costco from a company called Ocean's Halo. I really liked their flavored seaweed, they have garlic flavored seaweed and it was like eating chips basically, but it was seaweed. It was so good. So I went to their website because I wanted to order more, and very nice, it turns out they are a vegan company and they make a bunch of these seaweed foods and other foods, I ordered another pack of seaweed from their website. I think it's funny there are any "seafood" companies that claim they want to save marine life, they can start with not killing billions of fish a day.

At night in my boredom, I did regretful activities before going to sleep again. I don't know why I sabotage or hinder myself like this. But yeah, I regret tonight.

Also Aloe and I got in touch again. We are meeting up again this Thursday and maybe going to a spa on Saturday. She has been really excited to message and talk to me again. She's showing so much emotion of excitement and everything now.

I also told AJN I was back. She says we would do something fun. I have a lot of work too now though. I might not even be able to meet up with Aloe on Thursday, who knows. I have to message RadicallyWild next that I'm back in Puerto Rico again as well. I messaged Red I was back too. Red is someone else I went on a date with right before I left PR earlier this year, she only speaks Spanish and I have yet to write the journal entry for when we met up.

Things are going alright I think. I still have to do my taxes. I have a lot of Vegpal work as well. I have a lot of NW work too. I still have to submit my timesheets for the past 2 months of work I did. I will probably do that next.

Oh yeah, we didn't have water after coming back from the grocery stores. No water from the sink, no bathroom water, no flushing, yeah. Maybe it's only my neighborhood, but it happens a lot here where we don't have water for a while. Why is that? I had a week where I didn't have any water, that was super annoying, but I lived through it.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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