May 13, 2020

Now I need a Notebook...

Hello there...

I am feeling that I need keep my self busy, because when I don't know what to do or I don't any plan for specific time I just wondering around do something unnecessary.

Yesterday I watch some video, forgot what video. And I get something that really click my mind that time, a comment of video that say like.

"To do list is not good, because plan without a specific target time is just a dream."

Ah, I remember now. I watch about the parkinson's law.

Remember now, that time I watch this video..

I read that comment, saying "Work from a calendar, not a to-do list". That's touch my pain...

So the I decide to time specify anything that I want to do. Write a 24 Hours plan for next day.

And that's the reason I bought a book note.

At 5 PM, I run at store, try to find simple notebook and found this purple japanese theme notebook. But when I tell this to my wife, She walking out and coming back with two notebook. And she say that she buy it with a cheaper price than mine.

Oke, I just a simple buy, I need I buy it. hahaha.

Written by kangfarih

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